The following shall be grounds for denying a license or registration under this chapter:
   A.   The failure of the applicant to obtain and show proof of having obtained any required county license;
   B.   The failure of the applicant to truthfully provide any of the information requested by the city as a part of the application, or the failure to sign the application, or the failure to pay the required fee at the time of application; (Ord. 724, sec. 1, 1-6-2003)
   C.   The conviction of the applicant for a felony offense within the past ten (10) years from the date of application. The conviction of the applicant for a crime of violence as defined by Minnesota statutes section 624.712, as amended, or violent crime as defined by Minnesota statutes section 609.1095, as amended. The conviction of the applicant for a gross misdemeanor or misdemeanor offense within the past ten (10) years from the date of application which adversely reflects on the person's ability to conduct the business for which the license is being sought in an honest and legal manner that will not adversely affect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the city. Such violations shall include, but not be limited to: burglary, theft, larceny, swindling, fraud, unlawful business practices, any crime involving dishonesty and any form of actual or threatened physical harm against another person; (Ord. 771, sec. 2, 10-4-2004)
   D.   The revocation within the past five (5) years of any license issued to the applicant for the purpose of conducting business as a peddler, solicitor, or transient merchant; or
   E.   The failure of the applicant to return a prior license or registration to the police department within seven (7) days after its expiration. (Ord. 724, sec. 1, 1-6-2003)