Subject to other more restrictive limitations which may be imposed by this title, the following minimum requirements shall be observed in the following zoning districts which are overlaid by the S district:
A. Residential (RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RS-4, RS-CBD, RST-1, RST-2, RM-1, RM-2, RH-1 And RH-2 Districts):
NE | RD | T |
NE | RD | T | |||
1. | Lot area: | ||||
a. | Sewered: | 2 | |||
(1) Abutting: | |||||
Single | 40,000 | 20,000 | |||
Duplex | 70,000 | 35,000 | |||
Triplex | 100,000 | 50,000 | |||
Quad | 130,000 | 65,000 | |||
(2) Nonabutting: | 2 | ||||
Single | 20,000 | 15,000 | |||
Duplex | 35,000 | 26,000 | |||
Triplex | 52,000 | 38,000 | |||
Quad | 65,000 | 49,000 | |||
b. | Unsewered1 | 10 acres | 10 acres | 10 acres | |
2. | Lot width: | ||||
a. | Sewered: | 2 | |||
(1) Abutting: | |||||
Single | 125 | 75 | 75 | ||
Duplex | 225 | 135 | 115 | ||
Triplex | 325 | 195 | 150 | ||
Quad | 425 | 255 | 190 | ||
(2) Nonabutting: | 2 | ||||
Single | 125 | 75 | 75 | ||
Duplex | 220 | 135 | 115 | ||
Triplex | 315 | 190 | 150 | ||
Quad | 410 | 245 | 190 | ||
b. | Unsewered: | ||||
(1) Abutting: | |||||
Single | 200 | 150 | 100 | ||
Duplex | 300 | 225 | 150 | ||
Triplex | 400 | 300 | 200 | ||
Quad | 500 | 375 | 250 | ||
(2) Nonabutting: | |||||
Single | 200 | 150 | 100 | ||
Duplex | 400 | 265 | 150 | ||
Triplex | 600 | 375 | 200 | ||
Quad | 800 | 490 | 250 | ||
1. Lot area requirements in unsewered areas are delineated in section 11-17-19 of this title.
2. Lot area requirements for rivers in sewered areas are delineated by the base zoning districts. Lot area requirements in unsewered areas are delineated in section 11-17-19 of this title.
B. Greater Densities: Residential subdivisions with dwelling unit densities exceeding those in subsection A of this section can only be allowed if designed and approved as planned unit developments under section 11-102-21 of this chapter. Only land above the ordinary high water level of public waters can be used to meet lot area standards, and lot width standards must be met at both the ordinary high water level and at the building line. The sewer lot area dimensions in subsection A2a of this section can only be used if publicly owned sewer system is available to the property.
C. All Other Districts: Minimum lot size requirements for all remaining zoning districts not specified in subsection A of this section are delineated in the various zoning districts defined by chapter 45 of this title. (Ord. 867, sec. 118, 5-17-2010)
D. Setbacks:
NE | RD | T |
NE | RD | T | |||
Ordinary high water level: | |||||
Sewered | 150 feet | 75 feet | 50 feet | ||
Unsewered | 150 feet | 100 feet | 100 feet | ||
Top of bluff | 30 feet | 30 feet | 30 feet | ||
Unplatted cemetery | 50 feet | 50 feet | 50 feet | ||
Public right of way | 30 feet or the minimum front yard setback of the base zoning district, whichever is less | ||||
Side yard: | |||||
Setback for property abutting a lake | 20 feet | 20 feet | 20 feet | ||
(Ord. 917, 2-18-2014)
1. Setback requirements from the ordinary high water level shall not apply to piers and docks. Where development exists on both sides of a proposed building site, building setbacks may be reduced from the ordinary high water level to the average setback of the abutting principal buildings to more closely conform to adjacent building setbacks, provided the proposed building site is not located in a bluff impact zone and not closer than fifty feet (50') from the ordinary high water level, whichever is greater. (Ord. 936, 3-16-2015)
2. Any new subdivisions, lot combinations or replats of existing lots of record shall be required to conform to the thirty foot (30') setback from the top of bluff based upon the definition within section 11-2-3 of this title. Structure setback on existing lots of record prior to March 1, 1993, shall be allowed up to twenty feet (20') from the top of bluff. The location of top of bluff for existing lots of record prior to March 1, 1993, shall be determined as provided for by section 11-2-3 of this title, except by conditional use permit to allow for expansion of existing principal dwellings subject to the following requirements:
a. Top of the bluff is the point, visually observed, at a clearly identifiable break in the slope from steeper to gentler above the slope and away from the water body. If no break in the slope is apparent based on visual observation, the top of bluff shall be determined based upon the definition of "bluff" within section 11-2-3 of this title.
b. Toe of the bluff is the point, visually observed, at a clearly identifiable break in the slope from gentler to steeper above the slope and away from the water body. If no break in the slope is apparent based upon visual observation, the toe of bluff shall be determined based upon the definition of "bluff" within section 11-2-3 of this title.
c. Any development allowed under the alternative definition for top of the bluff will not increase the area or rate of stormwater drainage toward the water body.
d. Engineered grading and construction plans for any structures are provided demonstrating that the development will not degrade the physical integrity of the bluff.
e. A shoreland impact plan is prepared and submitted in accordance with section 11-102-17 of this chapter.
(1) Ordinary high water mark.
(2) Toe of the bluff.
(3) Top of the bluff.
(4) Bluff impact zone.
(5) Structure location(s). (Ord. 867, sec. 118, 5-17-2010)
3. The required side yard setback on all lots of record platted prior to January 18, 1980, is ten feet (10'). (Ord. 873, 2-7-2011)
E. Maximum Building Height: Building height shall be regulated by section 11-17-7 of this title.
F. Impervious Surface Coverage:
1. Impervious surface coverage limits shall apply only to that portion of the lot lying within the S district.
2. Impervious surface coverage for lots in all zoning districts shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the lot area within the S district, except as provided below:
a. Where appropriate and where structures and practices for the mitigation of stormwater impacts on receiving waters are employed in compliance with the water resources management plan, or as approved by the city engineer, impervious surface coverage shall be allowed to exceed twenty five percent (25%) impervious coverage to a maximum of:
(1) Seventy five percent (75%) impervious surface coverage per lot within all industrial zoning districts located on tributary rivers.
(2) Seventy percent (70%) impervious surface coverage per lot within all business and CBD zoning districts located on recreational development (RD) lakes and tributary rivers.
(3) Fifty percent (50%) impervious surface coverage per lot within all business zoning districts on natural environment (NE) lakes.
b. The increase in impervious surface shall be allowed provided the following criteria are met:
(1) All structures and practices are in place for the treatment of stormwater runoff.
(3) Any removal of significant trees shall require a tree preservation plan in accordance with section 11-21-11 of this title.
c. Impervious surface on an individual residential lot may exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the lot area where an adjacent parcel is dedicated to the public as a buffer along a tributary river. The combined total impervious surface area of the residential parcel and the buffer parcel within the shoreland overlay district may not exceed twenty five percent (25%).
d. Measures for the treatment of stormwater runoff and/or prevention of stormwater from directly entering a public water include such appurtenances as nutrient removal basins and other measures described in the MPCA guidance document for best management practices for stormwater quality protection in urban areas. (Ord. 867, sec. 118, 5-17-2010)
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