The following regulations shall control all traffic during fire runs by the fire department and handling the same during the fighting of a fire:
(A) The department, in making fire runs, shall have the right-of-way over all other vehicles and all other vehicles on hearing the fire alarm siren shall pull as close to the right curb as possible an stop until the department and all members have passed. All vehicles shall, on hearing the warning of the department, do everything possible to clear the right-of-way.
(B) No vehicle shall proceed in front of the department on a run; no vehicle shall follow the department closer than five hundred (500) feet.
(C) No vehicle shall park any closer to a fire than five hundred (500) feet. The Fire Chief shall have authority to cause the removal of any car parked in any manner in any place where he deems necessary for the fighting of a fire.
(D) The Fire Chief shall have the authority to issue emergency traffic regulations, as he deems necessary during the fighting of a fire and the police shall immediately enforce his orders in this respect.
(D) No vehicle shall proceed in between different vehicles of the fire department.
(1985 Code)