§ 150.56  NOTICE OF LIEN.
   A sworn account of the expense incurred by the city in the repair, removal or demolition of any building, done pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter, shall be filed by the Building Official with the City Secretary. The City Secretary shall file such notice of the city’s assessment and lien in the records of the County Clerk. Such notices shall read substantially as follows:
__________, Building Official for the Town of Lakeside, Texas, makes oath and says that the Town of Lakeside has incurred an expense of $ _________ in improving property, the legal description of which is ___________. Such expense was incurred to repair, remove or demolish substandard buildings after notices pursuant to ordinance and to Chapter 214, Texas Local Government Code, were served on the record owner thereof,__________, whose address is__________.
Building Official, Town of Lakeside, Texas
SWORN TO AND SUBSCRIBED before me by the said _____ this _____ day of______, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office.
Notary Public in and for the State of Texas
(Ord. 418, passed 5-13-2021)