3.1.6  Subdivider Plan Requirements.
   The subdivider of each tract of land will be required to construct, at his own expense, the water, sewer, streets, drainage and other infrastructure improvements necessary to service the subdivision in accordance with the City’s standards and specifications, including all engineering costs covering design, layout and construction supervision. The subdivider, at his own expense, shall include all fire hydrants, street signs, street markings, streetlights and other necessary appurtenances to provide for a complete and functioning project. Final plans for such improvements shall be submitted to the P&Z for study by the City Engineer and approval recommendation. Plats, plans, agreements and bonds must be approved by the City Council before any work is started in the subdivision. Detailed construction plans, including the plan and profile for each street, water line, sewer line, and storm drainage line shall be filed with the submission of the final plat in the same number of copies as required of the final subdivision plat. Where plats are presented for approval that adjoin unplatted property, the owner and/or developer of the proposed subdivision shall provide his pro rata share of the improvements cost of for [sic] boundary streets or other joint facilities. Where the boundary streets are not to be paved in their entire width abutting the proposed subdivision, the owner and/or developer shall deposit funds into escrow with the City. Each street installation project will be considered by the City upon the individual merits of each project prior to construction.
   As a minimum, each plan set shall be on 24" x 34" blueline paper and include the following items. Each sheet shall have an approved title block in the lower right-hand corner (or along the right edge) and shall be sealed and signed by the licensed design engineer.
Cover Sheet
Project title, location map, index, city officials, date, design firm, seal and signature of design engineer.
Final Plat
Copy of the final plat (unapproved plat to be included for review, substituted with approved plat after plat approval.)
Geometric Site Layout
Layout of the entire site with coordinate layout of major control points and listing of all benchmarks used
Plan and Profile Sheets
Sheets showing horizontal and vertical geometry along specific facility centerlines or baselines. Usually annotated on at least 100' stations with annotations for specific areas.
Special Sheets
Sheets showing calculations, item lists, maps or other items needed to be included in the plans
Special Details
Construction details for items specific to this project.
Standard Details
Construction details for items common to all similar city projects.