2.4.2  Plat Information.
   The final plat shall show or shall be accompanied by the following information. Please use this list and the checklist in the appendix to generate a complete submittal.
Subdivision Name
The subdivision name or identifying title
Subdivision Location
The name of the city, county and state in which the subdivision is located
Adjacent Property
The name or names of adjacent subdivisions, names of streets and the number of lots and blocks. Names of new streets should, wherever possible, follow or be extensions of existing street names
The name, address and other contact information for the record owner or subdivider
Design Professionals
All plats must be prepared and sealed by a surveyor licensed to practice in the State of Texas. All plans must be prepared and sealed by a civil engineer licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
Legal Property Lines and Limits
An accurate boundary survey of the property which is being subdivided, showing the bearing and distance of the sides (which shall be referenced to original survey lines or established subdivisions, showing the lines of all adjacent lands and properties), lines of adjacent streets, alleys and easements, including width and name of each. Streets, alleys and easements of adjacent subdivisions shall be shown in a different manner from those of the proposed subdivisions, preferably dotted or dashed. The record plat shall indicate the location of all lots, streets, highways, alleys, easements, parks, playgrounds and such other features, with accurate dimensions given in feet and decimals of a foot, showing the length of radii, deflection angles and of arcs of all curves. Tangent distances and tangent bearings shall be given for each street. All such data is to be complete and sufficiently precise to permit accurate location upon the ground.
Physical Features
Physical features relative to the property boundary need to be shown including survey markers, fences and roadways. Other features need not be shown on the Final Plat but will probably be necessary on any accompanying design plans.
The Final Plat need not show any contours. However the FIS Flood Hazard Statement is Required.
Building Lines, Setbacks and Easements
The building lines of front and side streets shall be shown dotted or dashed, and the location of utility easements shall be shown in dashed lines.
Sight Triangles
A 20' sight triangle shall be shown on each corner of each intersection.
Street and Highway Design
The Final Plat needs to only show street right-of-ways. Other street information will be required in the plans.
Land Use Classifications (Zoning)
The Final Plat should include a lot table showing the lot/block designation of each lot, the acreage and square feet of each lot and the zoning of each lot.
Standard Drawing Details
Date, scale and north point.
City Approval Blocks
Blanks for certificate of approval to be filled out by the City engineer, P&Z, City Council (and county commissioners court, if in the ETJ) shall be included on the final plat. (See appendices)
Public Dedication Block
The plat shall bear a properly executed dedication of all streets, highways, alleys, parks, playgrounds and other lands intended for use of the public, such dedicatory instrument to be signed by the owner or owners, and by all other persons or parties having a mortgage or lien interest in the property. (See appendices for standard signature blocks.) Any private restrictions or trusteeships intended shall be filed with the plat if not actually shown on the plat.
Surveyor Certification to survey on the ground and setting of control
The surveyor or engineer responsible for surveying the subdivision shall attest to the accuracy of same utilizing the Surveyors Block. (See appendices.) The Surveyor shall verify or set at all corners and angle points of the boundaries of the original tract to be subdivided and set all street intersections, angle points in street lines, points of curve and at such intermediate points as shall be required by the City. All lot corners are also to be marked with iron markers driven firmly into the solid earth. Such monuments shall be iron bars not less than one-half (1/2) inch in diameter and two (2) feet in length, driven securely into the solid earth with the top being flush with the natural earth grade. The use of survey caps is recommended.
Lienholder Certification
If there is (are) lienholder(s) on the property, the Lienholder Signature Block shall be included on the plat and signed by all lienholders.
Final Plans for Improvements including Engineering Seal
Complete construction plans shall be submitted for all street and drainage improvements, alleys, and any other improvements to be performed. These plans including shall be submitted on standard twenty-four-inch by thirty-six-inch sheets. Street, alley, and drainage plans shall be presented on plan-profile sheets and plotted to scale of 1"=40' or 1"=100' horizontal, and one 1"=4' or 1"=10' vertical. The plan portion of these shall show the right-of-way or easement lines and portions of the right-of-way of intersecting streets. The street profiles shall show the existing ground, proposed ground and profiles for the streets and underground utilities. Typical cross sections shall be shown for the streets showing the type and width of pavement proposed for the streets. Detailed plans shall be submitted for any bridges, culverts, catch basins, any other drainage structures or any other improvements to be made. Design standards of the City in effect at the time of submission of the plat shall be used, subject to the approval of the City Engineer.
Taxes Paid Receipt
A receipt indicating that all taxes have been paid shall accompany the plat, or the plat shall bear a certificate of the owner that all taxes have been paid.
Record Mylars
After approval of the plat by the P&Z, one signed mylar and one signed blueline copy of the plat shall be furnished to the P&Z. All figures, letters and symbols shown upon the drawing shall be plain, distinct, of sufficient size that they may be easily read and of such density that they will remain a permanent and lasting record.
Record Plan Drawings (As-Builts)
After all improvements required by the city have been completed by the owner or subdivider of the proposed subdivision, the owner or subdivider shall furnish one set of as-built drawings of drainage structures and street improvements that have been constructed, the same to be filed within thirty (30) days after completion of all required improvements.