2.1.3  Rights-of-Way and Easements.
   All public improvements (such as streets, utilities, parks or major drainage conveyance areas) shall be installed in either right-of-ways or easements owned by or conveyed to the City. Each lot within a subdivision shall abut right-of-ways and easement adequate to serve the lot. As a minimum, all lots shall have a ten (10) foot general utility easement along the front and back lot lines and any side that is adjacent to a street. All other side lot lines shall have a five (5) foot general utility easement on each side of the common lot line (ten (10) feet total). Easements shall be larger when special conditions warrant. All natural drainageways shall be in a drainage easement up to the 100-year flood return elevation. Any drainage piping that is to be dedicated and maintained by the City (i.e., serves more than one lot) shall be in an easement with a minimum width of the structure (i.e., pipe diameter or box width) plus twelve (12) feet (i.e., a 36-inch diameter pipe would require a minimum of fifteen (15) feet of easement width). Each lot of a subdivision shall abut a public street in dedicated right-of-way of the width specified for the appropriate street classification in section 3.6. Where possible, sewers shall be placed in the general utility easements along the periphery of lots. In instances where the design conditions do not allow such placement, the sewer shall be placed in an additional easement that is minimum of ten (10) feet wide. All other parks and public places shall be dedicated to the City as either right-of-way or lots. City public buildings and parking shall be on dedicated public property or other property owned by the City.
   In areas where multiple lots will share a driveway or fire lane, such areas shall be included in a dedicated access easement to the City, and any additional needed cross access agreements among the multi-tenant owners, shall be required to be filed with the plat.