The plat shall be drawn on 24-inch by 36-inch sheets, if to be filed in Tarrant County with a binding margin of not less than three inches on the left side of the sheet and margins on the other three sides of not less than one inch. The plat shall be drawn to a scale of 100 feet to one inch. When more than one sheet is necessary to accommodate the entire area, an index sheet showing the entire subdivision at an appropriate scale shall be attached to the plat.
(A) An approved preliminary drainage plan, approved by the Town Engineer, is required as part of the plat application, and
(B) The plat shall show the following:
(1) Names and addresses of the developer/subdivider owner, engineer and/or surveyor;
(2) Proposed name of the subdivision, which shall not have the same spelling as or be pronounced similar to the name of any other subdivision located within the town or within five miles of the town;
(3) Names of contiguous subdivisions and the owners of contiguous parcels of unsubdivided land, and an indication of whether or not contiguous properties are replatted;
(4) Description, by metes and bounds, of the subdivision;
(5) Primary control points or descriptions, and ties to such control points to which all dimensions, angles, bearings, blocks and similar data shall be referenced;
(6) Subdivision boundary lines, indicated by heavy lines and the computed acreage of the subdivision;
(7) The exact location, dimensions, name and description of all existing or recorded streets, alleys, reservations, easements or other public or private right-of-ways within the subdivision, intersecting or contiguous with its boundaries or forming such boundaries;
(8) The exact location, dimensions, descriptions and name of all existing or recorded residential lots, parks, public areas, permanent structures and other sites within or contiguous with the subdivision;
(9) The exact location, dimensions, description, and flow line of existing water courses and drainage structures within the subdivision or on contiguous tracts;
(10) Regulatory flood elevations and boundaries of flood-prone areas, including floodways, if known;
(11) The exact location, dimensions, name and description of all proposed public or private streets, alleys, parks and other public or private areas, reservations, easements or other right-of-ways, blocks, lots and other sites within the subdivision;
(12) A preliminary plan for on-site sewage disposal systems, including disposal site for lands subject to flooding or sanitary sewers with grade, pipe size, and points of discharge;
(13) A preliminary plan for proposed fills or other structure elevating techniques, levees, channel modifications, seawalls, and other methods to overcome flood or erosion-related hazards;
(14) Date of preparation, scale of plat and north arrow;
(15) Topographical information shall include contour lines on a basis of five vertical feet in terrain with a slope of 6% or more, and on a basis of two vertical in terrain with a slope of less than 6%;
(16) A number or letter to identify each lot or site and each block;
(17) Front building setback lines on all lots and sites; side yard building setback lines at street intersections and crosswalk ways;
(18) Location of town limits line, the outer border of the town’s extraterritorial jurisdiction, and zoning district boundaries, if they traverse the subdivision, form part of the boundary of the subdivision, or are contiguous to such boundary; and
(19) Vicinity sketch or map at a scale of not more than 100 feet to an inch which shall show existing subdivisions, streets, easements, right-of-ways, parks and public facilities in the vicinity, the general drainage plan and ultimate destination of water, and possible storm sewer, water, gas, electric and sanitary sewer connections by arrows.
(20) All utility companies shall sign off on the plat prior to its submittal to the town.
(Ord. 353, passed 7-10-2013)