(A)   Purpose.  The purpose of the Planning and Zoning Commission is to act as an advisory board on all matters relating to zoning, city planning, and development applications.
   (B)   Functions. To prepare and keep updated the town's master plan to ensure orderly growth, and preserve the unique character of the community. A quorum is required to conduct business. A super majority vote by the Council is required to overturn a majority recommendation by the Planning and Zoning Commission on zoning-related matters.
   (C)   Duties.
      (1)   Initiate and conduct planning sessions to proactively address needed changes within the community relating to the master plan including, but not limited to, thoroughfare plan, property zoning/rezoning, and future development.
      (2)   Recommend boundaries for initial zoning districts and appropriate zoning regulations.
      (3)   Take a proactive role in drafting, reviewing and making recommendations to the Town Council relating to new zoning ordinances, amendments to existing zoning ordinances, and thoroughfare planning.
      (4)   Make preliminary reports and hold public hearings prior to submitting proposals to the Town Council as they relate to zoning and environmental quality issues.
      (5)   Receive, review and take appropriate action on all platting and subdivision proposals.
   (D)   Accountability.  The Planning and Zoning Commission is accountable to the Mayor and Town Council. The Mayor and Town Council will determine if the committee is functioning properly and accomplishing the defined duties and responsibilities.
   (E)   Qualifications; composition; tenure.  Members of the Commission must be qualified voters of the city and shall remain eligible to vote during their tenure on the Commission. Five regular members plus two alternates nominated by the Mayor and appointed by the Town Council. The chairman and vice-chairman are appointed by the Town Council and shall serve one-year terms. They may serve two-year terms with no term limits. Members serve at the pleasure of the Town Council.
(Ord. 312, passed 6-22-2010)