(A) Applicability. All outdoor electrically powered illuminating devices shall be installed in conformance with the provisions of this section, the Building Code and the Electrical Code of the Town of Lakeside as applicable and under appropriate permit and inspection. These lighting standards shall apply to all non-residential uses in the Town of Lakeside. Unless otherwise stated, this chapter does not regulate lighting in public road rights-of way.
(B) Outdoor lighting plan. An outdoor lighting plan must be submitted separately from any required site plan or landscape plan on all public or private properties, including rights-of-ways, public easements, franchises and utility easements for approval by the building official. An outdoor lighting plan shall be submitted prior to issuing a building permit. Plans shall include the following:
(1) A layout of the proposed fixture locations;
(2) The light source;
(3) The luminous area for each proposed light source with proposed foot candle measurements;
(4) The type and height of the light fixture or of the light source above grade.
(5) The type of illumination.
(C) General lighting requirements.
(1) Unless otherwise provided herein, illumination, where required by this chapter, shall have intensities and uniformity ratios in accordance with the current recommended practices of the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) as from time to time amended.
(2) Unless otherwise provided herein, all building lighting for security or aesthetics will be fully-shielded type, not allowing any upward distribution of light. Wallpack type fixtures are acceptable only if they are fully-shielded with 80° cut-off.
(3) No use or operation in any district shall be located or conducted so as to produce glare, or either direct or indirect illumination across the bounding property line from a source of illumination into a residentially zoned property, nor shall any such light be of such intensity as to create a nuisance or detract from the use and enjoyment of adjacent property. For the purposes of this section, a NUISANCE shall be defined as more than one-tenth (0.25) of one foot-candle of light measured at the residential property line and twenty-five hundredths (2.25) of one foot-candle at any adjoining non-residential property line.
(4) Shielding shall be required in all outdoor lighting installations as specified below.
Lamp Type | Shielding |
Low pressure sodium (LPS) | Fully shielded, with 80º cut-off |
High pressure sodium (HPS) | Fully shielded, with 80º cut-off |
Metal halide | Fully shielded, with 80º cut-off |
Halogen | Fully shielded, with 80º cut-off |
Mercury vapor | Fully shielded, with 80º cut-off |
Fluorescent | Fully shielded, with 80º cut-off |
Lamp Type | Shielding |
Incandescent | Fully shielded, with 80º cut-off |
Any light source 50 watts and under | Unshielded Permitted |
Low intensity neon, krypton or argon discharge tubes | Unshielded Permitted |
(D) Illumination.
(1) Measurement. Illumination levels of outdoor lighting shall be measured by a qualified professional according to generally accepted IESNA methods.
(2) Computation of illumination. Illumination at a point may be computed in lieu of measurement. Computation methods shall consist of a generally accepted IESNA method, using certified photometric data furnished by the fixture manufacturer, lamp manufacturer, photometric laboratory, or other reliable authority satisfactory to the town. Computations shall be based on new, properly seasoned lamps, diffusers and other appurtenances in place, and with proper regard taken for mounting height, relative elevation, natural and manmade objects.
(3) Limitations on neighboring property. The limit of illumination on neighboring property from one establishment shall be by zoning of the neighboring property. Maximum computed or measured foot-candles at the neighboring property line shall not exceed:
(E) Non-residential lighting parameters.
(1) All non-essential lighting shall be turned off after business hours, leaving only necessary lighting for non-residential districts site security.
(2) Floodlights, accent, aesthetic and security lights must be fully shielded and no up-lighting shall be permitted except that lighting of 75 watts or less are excepted if necessary for security purposes.
(3) Parking lots and vehicle movement areas shall not exceed a maximum illumination value of ten foot-candles nor a minimum illumination value of 1.0 foot-candles. Lamps in decorative lantern type fixtures shall not exceed a maximum of 100 watts. Total pole and fixture height shall not exceed a maximum of 32 feet, measured from grade at the base. Taller poles may be considered in some situations upon approval of a special exception by the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
(4) Display, building and aesthetic lighting must be externally lit from the top and shine downward. The lighting must be fully-shielded to prevent direct glare and/or light trespass. The lighting must also be substantially contained to the target area.
(5) Limitations on establishment property. The maximum outdoor initial computed or measured illuminance level on the establishment property shall not exceed 20 foot-candles outdoors at any point, except that lighting under canopies (such as service stations) shall not exceed 40 foot-candles.
(F) Public and semi-public recreational facilities. Any light source permitted by this section may be used for lighting of outdoor recreational facilities (public or private), such as, but not limited to, football fields, soccer fields, baseball fields, softball fields, tennis courts, or show areas, provided all of the following conditions are met:
(1) Any illumination level exceeding a maximum of twenty foot-candles must receive prior approval by the Zoning Board of Adjustment by means of a special exception.
(2) All fixtures used for event lighting shall be fully shielded, or be designed or provided with sharp cut-off capability, so as to minimize up-light, spill-light, and glare.
(3) All events shall be scheduled so as to complete all activity before or as near to 10:30 p.m. as practical, but under no circumstances shall any illumination of the playing field, court, or track be permitted after 11:00 p.m. except to conclude a scheduled event that was in progress before 11:00 p.m. and circumstances prevented concluding before 11:00 p.m.
(G) Prohibited lighting elements. Unless otherwise authorized, the following shall be prohibited except upon prior approval of a special exception by the Zoning Board of Adjustments.
(1) Laser source light. The use of laser source light or any similar high intensity light for outdoor advertising or entertainment, when projected above the horizontal is prohibited.
(2) Searchlights. The operation of searchlights for advertising purposes is prohibited.
(3) Floodlights. The use of floodlights is prohibited.
(4) Up-lighting of display, building and aesthetic lighting is prohibited.
(H) Exceptions.
(1) All temporary emergency lighting needed by the Police or Fire Departments or other emergency services, as well as all vehicular luminaries.
(2) All hazard warning luminaries required by federal regulatory agencies are exempt from the requirements of this section, except that all luminaries used must be red and must be shown to be as close as possible to the federally required minimum lumen output requirement for the specific task.
(3) Any luminare of 75 watts or less provided the accumulated illumination of 50 watt luminaries does not exceed 75 watts.
(4) Seasonal decorative lighting.
(5) Up-lighting of any Town of Lakeside, State of Texas or United States of America flag.
(I) Temporary exemptions.
(1) Upon approval by the administrative official, temporary exemptions from the requirements of this chapter for a period not to exceed 30 days may be approved.
(2) Any person may submit a written request, on a form prepared by the town for a temporary exemption request. The request shall contain the following information:
(a) Specific exemption(s) requested;
(b) Type/use of outdoor lighting fixture involved;
(c) Duration of time requested;
(d) Type of lamp and calculated foot-candles;
(e) Total wattage of lamp(s);
(f) Proposed location of fixtures;
(g) Previous temporary exemption requests;
(h) Physical side of fixtures and type of shielding provided; and
(i) Such other data or information as may be required by the Town Manager or his or her designee.
(j) Requests for renewal of exemptions shall be processed in the same way as the original request. Each renewal shall be valid for not more than 14 days or a time period designated by the administrative official.
(3) Approval for temporary exemptions will be based on the effect of location and use of outdoor lighting fixture.
(J) Non-conforming lighting. All luminaries lawfully in place prior to the date of the chapter shall be considered as having legal non-conforming status. However, any luminare that replaces a legal non-conforming luminare, or any legal non-conforming luminare that is moved, must meet the standards of this chapter.
(Ord. 312, passed 6-22-2010)