(A)   Purpose.  The purpose of the PD Planned Development District is to encourage creative development of the land, provide locations for well planned comprehensive developments, and provide for variety and flexibility in the development patterns of the town which promote the health, safety, morals, and general welfare of the community. A planned development may include a combination of different dwelling types and/or a variety of residential and non-residential land uses which creatively complement each other and harmonize with existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity.
   (B)   Planned development uses. In a PD Planned Development District, no building or land shall be used, and no building constructed, reconstructed, altered, or enlarged, unless otherwise provided in an approved planned development.
   (C)    Conditions for planned developments.  Planned developments shall be considered appropriate where the following conditions prevail:
      (1)   The project is consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan and the goals and objectives of the town;
      (2)   Dwelling units are situated in such a way that an appreciable amount of open space is available and is integrated throughout the planned development;
      (3)   The project utilizes an innovative approach in lot configuration and mixture of residential and commercial type land uses;
      (4)   Higher densities than conventional single-family projects of the same acreage are provided with increased open space and appropriate buffering between existing conventional single-family developments;
      (5)   Non-residential uses are situated such that an appreciable amount of land is available for open space or joint use as parking and public access space and is integrated throughout the planned development;
      (6)   Aesthetic amenities are provided in the planned development design which otherwise are not economically feasible in conventional residential and non-residential projects; and
      (7)   The project provides a compatible transition, which may include buffer yards, thoroughfares, or transitional uses, between adjacent existing single-family residential projects and provides a compatible transition for the extension of future single-family projects into adjacent undeveloped areas.
   (D)   Density, area and height regulations.  In approving a planned development or a use designation in a planned development, the Town Council shall specify density, area, height, screening, parking, landscaping, and other development criteria as may be required in division (I) below.  Such standards shall be indicated on the development plan and shall be made a part of the ordinance. No property located in a planned development shall be modified as to density, area, height, screening, parking, landscaping or other development criteria unless a development plan containing such revised development criteria is approved.
   (E)   Ownership.  An application for approval of a use designation, development plan or site plan in the planned development may be filed by a person having a legal interest in the property. The application shall be filed in the name(s) of the record owner(s) of the site, which shall be included in the application. The applicant shall provide evidence, in a form satisfactory to the Town Attorney, prior to final approval, that the applicant has the authority to file the application on behalf of all owners of the site.
   (F)   Development schedule.  An application for a use designation for new construction or construction that increases the floor area of the principal structure(s) shall be accompanied by a development schedule indicating the approximate date on which construction is expected to begin and the rate of anticipated development to completion. The development schedule, if adopted and approved by the Town Council shall become part of the planned development ordinance and shall be adhered to by the owner, developer, and their assigns or successors in interest.
   (G)   Report.  The town shall require the owner/developer of the planned development to submit a written report on a regular basis to the Town Council. Said written report shall describe the progress achieved towards the development schedule. In the event that the owner/developer neglects to provide a written report, as established and agreed to in the planned development ordinance, or if the owner/developer neglects to initiate any progress, the town may initiate proceedings to rezone the property to a zoning district deemed appropriate. However, no rezoning effort shall be initiated by the town prior to making an official inquiry of the owner/developer regarding the status of the planned development.
   (H)   Platting requirements.  No application for a building permit for the construction of a building or structure shall be approved unless the property on which the proposed improvements are planned has been platted. The plat must meet all the requirements of the Town of Lakeside, and must have been approved by the Town Council and recorded in the official records of Tarrant County.
   (I)   Development plan requirement. 
      (1)   An application for a planned development, or approval of a use designation in a planned development which will require new construction which increases the floor area of the principal structure(s) or a change in the development criteria applicable to the site shall include and be accompanied by a development plan, which shall become a part of the amending ordinance. The development plan shall include the following information:
         (a)   A scale drawing showing any proposed public or private streets and alleys; building sites or building lots; any areas proposed for dedication or reserved as parks, parkways, playgrounds, utility and garbage easements, school sites, street widening, street changes; the points of ingress and egress from existing public streets on an accurate survey of the boundary of tract and topography with a contour interval of not less than five feet, or spot grades where the relief is limited.
         (b)   Where multiple types of commercial land uses are proposed, a land use plan delineating the specific areas to be devoted to various commercial uses shall be required.
         (c)   A plan indicating the arrangement and provision of off-street parking and off-street loading where required. Such a plan may be presented as a ratio of off-street parking and off-street loading area to building area when accompanied by a typical example indicating the feasibility of the arrangement proposed and when the areas where the example would be applied are dimensioned on the drawing of the entire site.  Any special traffic regulation facilities proposed or required to assure the safe function of the circulation plan shall also be shown.
         (d)   A designation of the maximum building coverage of the site shall be indicated upon the development plan. General foot print of buildings shall be indicated showing the approximate position and sizes of any proposed structures.
         (e)   Landscaping and screening shall be provided as required in Section 35, Landscape Regulations and shall be indicated on the development plan.
         (f)   Any or all of the required features may be incorporated on a single drawing if such drawing is clear and capable of evaluation by the administrative official and interpretation by the Building Inspector.
      (2)   Any amendment to a development plan must be approved by ordinance following public notice and a public hearing meeting the requirements of § 151.038(C).
   (J)   Site plan requirement. Prior to issuance of a building permit, for new construction or construction which increases the floor area of the principal structure(s) or construction that changes the development criteria for the site, a site plan in accordance with § 151.021 will be required. The site plan shall be presented for approval to the Town Council. The site plan may be submitted concurrently with the development plan. If the development plan and the site plan are submitted separately, a separate public hearing and action shall be required for both submittals.
   (K)   Combined and abbreviated development and site plan submittal.  If application is made for a new use designation in a Planned use development on a site which contains existing improvements which are not proposed to be enlarged, the following combined and abbreviated development and site plan shall be permitted in place of a development plan. A combined and abbreviated development and site plan shall contain the following:
      (1)   A scale drawing showing existing building and proposed use designations, easements, points of ingress and egress from existing public streets, the arrangement and provision of off-street parking and off-street loading, and the location of landscaping and screening provided on site. These items shall be shown on an accurate survey of the boundary of the lot. All of the required features may be incorporated on a single drawing if such drawing is clear and capable of evaluation by the administrative official and interpretation by the building inspector.
      (2)   Combined and abbreviated development and site plan must be approved by ordinance following public notice and a public hearing meeting the requirements of § 151.038(C).
   (L)   Administrative approval of development and site plan.  A development plan and site plan may be approved by the administrative official without the approval of the Town Council if said application is located within an existing structure and does not increase the floor area of the existing structure and does not change the existing use on the site. The administrative official may, for any reason, elect to present the development plan or site plan to the Town Council for approval.
(Ord. 312, passed 6-22-2010)