(A)   Purpose.  The purpose of the C General Commercial District is to provide for compatible land, building, and structure uses primarily oriented to select retail convenience goods and services which supply the daily needs of residential neighborhoods, including neighborhood shopping centers, select low intensity office uses, and select community facility uses. The C General Commercial District is most appropriately located at the intersection of collector streets and arterial streets and as a transition district between moderate and high density residential districts and higher intensity commercial and industrial districts.
   (B)   Permitted uses.  Uses permitted in the C General Commercial District shall be in accordance with § 151.012.
   (C)   Density, area, yard, height, and lot coverage requirements.  The requirements regulating the minimum lot size, minimum yard sizes, maximum building height, and maximum percent of lot coverage by buildings, as pertains to the C District, shall conform with the provisions provided in the C District area requirements table below.
C General Commercial District
Area Requirements
C General Commercial District
Area Requirements
Minimum lot area
Minimum lot width
Minimum lot depth
Minimum street yard (from any street; front, side, rear)
25 feet
Minimum side yard
None, except 10 feet from any residentially zoned district
Minimum rear yard
None, except 10 feet from any residentially zoned district
Maximum building height
40 feet
   (D)   Off-street parking and loading requirements.  Off-street parking and loading requirements pertaining to uses allowed in the C District shall conform with the provisions of § 151.027.
   (E)   Conversion of residential structures.  All residential structures located within the C District may be used as commercial or residential uses in accordance with the following conditions:
      (1)   The residential structure is not altered such that the bathrooms, kitchen, and garage facilities are removed or rendered unusable for a residential structure.
      (2)   The natural ground cover in the front, side, or rear yards is not removed or paved with a permanent surface as to render it unusable for typical residential purposes.
      (3)   Any and all signage shall be monument or nameplate type signs. In the event that the use of the structure shall change from commercial to residential, all non-residential signage shall be removed and the original ground cover shall be returned to the original condition existing prior to placement of the sign.
   (F)   Concurrent use of commercial and residential structures.  All commercial structures may contain a residential use concurrent with the commercial use, in accordance with the following restrictions:
      (1)   Only one residential unit, regardless of square footage of the residential use, may be permitted per commercial structure, except that;
      (2)   More than one residential unit may be permitted for loft or studio apartments if the total number of square footage allocated to residential use does not exceed 60% of the total square footage of the structure.
   (G)   Existing residential uses.  All legal and valid residential uses existing on the effective date of this chapter within the C District shall have legal conforming status. The owners of the property where such uses are located shall be permitted, if necessary or desired, to rebuild, expand, or remodel. All expansions or remodels shall comply with the provisions of this chapter.
   (H)   Masonry exterior requirements.  All principal buildings and structures shall be of 85% masonry exterior construction. Masonry exterior construction for accessory buildings and structures shall be regulated according to § 151.025.
(Ord. 312, passed 6-22-2010)