(A)   Purpose.  The purpose of the MF Multifamily Residential District is to provide for compatible land, building, and structure uses primarily oriented to high density multifamily residential purposes, open space uses, and associated uses. The MF District is intended to serve as a transitional element between lower density and more intense nonresidential land uses, and is most appropriately located near the intersections of major thoroughfares. Apartment buildings and condominiums comprise the principal elements of the MF District.
   (B)   Permitted uses.  Uses permitted in the MF Multifamily District shall be in accordance with § 151.012.
   (C)   Density, area, yard, height, and lot coverage requirements.   The requirements regulating the maximum permissible residential density, minimum lot size, minimum yard sizes, maximum building height, and maximum percent of lot coverage by buildings, as pertains to the MF District, shall conform to the provisions provided in the area requirements for the MF District table below.
MF Multifamily Residential District
Area Requirements
MF Multifamily Residential District
Area Requirements
Maximum density
18.0 (d.u./acre)*
Minimum lot width
100 feet
Minimum lot depth
100 feet
Minimum front yard
30 feet
Minimum side yard
10 feet
Minimum side yard adjacent to street (corner lot)
25 feet
Minimum side and rear yard (interior)
15 feet from single story MF building
30 feet from two story MF building
Maximum building height
35 feet
Minimum dwelling size
1 bedroom unit:     860 sq. feet
2 bedroom unit:   1,150 sq. feet
3 bedroom unit:   1,450 sq. feet
4 bedroom unit:   1,800 sq. feet
* d.u. = dwelling unit
   (D)   Off-street parking and loading requirements.  Off-street parking and loading requirements pertaining to uses allowed in the MF District shall conform to the provisions of § 151.027.  In addition, the following shall apply:
      (1)   All parking shall meet the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Parking areas shall be paved with concrete and graded to drain appropriately.
      (2)   Parking of recreational vehicles is regulated according to § 151.025 of the Town Code.
      (3)   Semi-tractor trucks are prohibited from parking overnight.
      (4)   Carports shall be regulated according to § 151.025.01 of the Town Code.
      (5)   All required parking shall be covered parking and shall be architecturally compatible with the main structures in the project.
      (6)   A minimum of 10% of all required parking shall be designated as guest parking and shall be clearly marked as reserved for guests and shall be in an area providing guest with unrestricted access to the guest parking spaces.
      (7)   Runs of parking spaces shall be limited to a maximum of 12 spaces without a landscaped island. However, up to 16 spaces may be permitted in situations where it is required to save existing trees.
   (E)   Architectural features.  Varied roof lines and/or heights shall be used to reduce the appearance of the mass of buildings which exceed two stories in height.
      (1)   Techniques, such as varied set-backs, bay windows, balconies, and changes in material, color and texture, shall be used to articulate facades and side wall elevations. Where rear walls are visible from a public street, similar techniques shall be used.
      (2)   Flat roof design is prohibited. Gabled roofs or hipped roofs shall have a minimum pitch of 5:12.
      (3)   Each structure shall contain a transparent glass window or windows with an aggregate area of at least 20% of the front facade of that unit.
      (4)   All units shall have a minimum of nine-foot ceiling in the living areas, not including closets and storage spaces.
   (F)   Privacy.  Privacy features between buildings shall include the following:
      (1)   Windows, balconies or similar openings above the first story shall be oriented so as not to have a direct line-of-sight into adjacent units within the project.
      (2)   Units above the first story shall be designed so that they do not look directly onto private patios or backyards of adjoining residential property.
      (3)   Landscaping shall be used to aid in privacy screening.
   (G)   Exterior fire resistant construction.  As of the effective date of this chapter, exterior fire resistant construction shall be required on all residential building structures hereafter constructed, erected, reconstructed, enlarged or moved onto any lot or parcel within the town.  Exterior fire resistant construction shall mean and consist of a minimum of 50% of the total ground floor exterior wall surface (exclusive of opening for light, ventilation and access) of residential building structures to be of brick, stone or combination thereof, or of an equivalent masonry material as approved by the Zoning Board of Adjustments; and further provided no single ground floor wall face of any residential building structure shall contain less than 50% of its exposed surface of exterior fire resistant construction material.
   (H)   Accessory building and structure regulations.  Area regulations for accessory buildings or accessory structures shall be in compliance with § 151.025.
   (I)   Required open space.
      (1)   The minimum amount of required open space for any multi-family lot shall be 20% of the area of the lot, net of floodplain and adjacent right-of-way. Each ground level dwelling unit shall be provided with one useable open space adjacent to the unit.
      (2)   A portion of the open space will be improved for the recreational use of the residents. Such improvements shall include, but may not be limited to, jogging trails, picnic areas, children's play areas, and athletic courts. Configuration of the recreational area shall be subject to site plan approval. The improved recreational area will be maintained by a property management or the owner of the multifamily property.
   (J)   Entry feature.  A main entrance feature, which may consist of a combination of landscaping, aesthetic features such as rocks, sculptures, water, and street pavers, shall be provided. The entrance feature shall be consistent with the basic architectural theme of the development.
   (K)   Trash receptacles.  There shall be one centralized trash collection point serving each multi-family development.
      (1)   No trash collection point shall be located within 100 feet of a property line.
      (2)   The centralized trash collection point shall not be located in any street yard.
      (3)   All trash receptacles shall be screened with a masonry wall of similar material as the main structure, with appropriate landscaping on three sides and shall have a screening gate which shall remain closed except when being serviced.
   (L)   Traffic.  A traffic impact analysis, prepared by a qualified traffic engineer, must accompany the site plan. However, the traffic impact analysis requirement may be excluded from the site plan if the Town Engineer determines that the analysis is not necessary for the multi-family development.
   (M)   Miscellaneous multifamily residence provisions.
      (1)   All private balconies shall have lockable, enclosed storage areas.
      (2)   A concrete or masonry wall of not greater than eight feet in height may be erected in the front yard. Said wall shall not be less than 50% open construction.
(Ord. 312, passed 6-22-2010)