Any building, house, or structure moved into the town must show evidence of rehabilitation or progress towards compliance with the Town of Lakeside building code within 30 days from the arrival of the building in the town, the determination to be made by the Building Inspector.  Any such building so moved into the town must meet all structural and other requirements of all applicable town building codes within 120 days from the date the structure is moved into the town.  The Building Inspector may allow extensions not to exceed 60 days when in his or her judgment extenuating circumstances exist, and then only if substantial progress has been made within the original 120 days towards the improvement and/or rehabilitation to meet all applicable town building codes.  It being the purpose and intent of this section to keep all structures moved into the town up to the standard required by all applicable town building codes in like manner and the same basis as with structures built or presently located within the town.
(Ord. 91, passed 4-8-1980)