(A)   Purpose. Administrative penalty procedures established pursuant to this section are intended to provide the public and the city with an informal cost effective and expeditious alternative to traditional criminal charges for violations of certain ordinance provisions. The procedures are intended to be voluntary on the part of those who have been charged with those offenses. At any time prior to the payment of the administrative penalty as is provided for hereafter, the individual may withdraw from participation in the procedures in which event the city may bring criminal charges in accordance with law. Likewise, the city, in its discretion, may bring criminal charges in the first instance. In the event a party does not pay the monetary penalty which is requested, the city may seek to collect the costs of the administrative penalty procedure as part of a subsequent criminal sentence in the event the party is charged and is adjudicated guilty of the criminal violation.
   (B)   Notice and payment. In the discretion of the issuing officer, violations of the provisions of the ordinances enforceable though administrative penalty procedures adopted by resolution of the City Council from time to time, may be enforced by issuing, on a form authorized by the City Attorney, a request to make payment for the violation directly to the city within seven days of the violation. A late charge of 10% shall be imposed for each seven days the requested penalty remains unpaid after the requested payment is due.
   (C)   Amount of payment. The amount payable shall be determined according to the schedule adopted by resolution of the City Council from time to time and shall be paid directly to the City Clerk-Treasurer. In the event a party is charged with a subsequent violation within a 12-month period, the subsequent request for payment shall be increased by 25% above the previous payment.
   (D)   Failure to pay. Failure to make payment for the violation in the time specified will result in the late charge described above and may, in the discretion of the issuing officer in consultation with the City Attorney, result in prosecution consistent with applicable statutes and ordinances.
(Ord. 12-5, passed 6-12-2000)
   See Appendix B following this chapter for the schedule of offenses and administrative penalties