(A)   Filing. Five copies of the preliminary plat and list of property owners abutting the plat shall be submitted to the City Clerk-Treasurer. The required Filing fee as established by City Council resolution shall be paid and any necessary applications by City Council resolution shall be paid and any necessary applications from variances from the provisions of this ordinance shall be submitted with the required fee. The proposed plat shall be placed on the agenda of the first possible City Council meeting occurring after ten days from the date of submission. The plan shall be considered as being officially submitted when all the information requirements are complied with.
   (B)   Hearing. The City Council, upon receipt of said application, shall instruct the City Clerk-Treasurer to set a public hearing for public review of the preliminary plat. Said hearing shall be established once adequate time has been allowed for staff and advisory body review of the plat. The City Council shall conduct the hearing and shall make findings. Notice of said hearing shall consist of a legal property description, description of request and map detailing property location, and be published in the official newspaper at least ten days prior to the hearing and written notification of said hearing shall be mailed at least ten days prior to all owners of land within 150 feet of the boundary of the property in question, excluding roadways.
   (C)   Technical assistance reports. After the public hearing has been set, the City Clerk-Treasurer may instruct the City Engineer and city staff to prepare technical reports where appropriate, and provide general assistance in preparing a recommendation on the action to the City Council.
   (D)   City Council action.
      (1)   If all requirements of this chapter are complied with, the Council shall act upon the preliminary plat and may impose conditions and restrictions which are deemed necessary within 60 days of the date of receipt by the city of a completed written request for approval of the preliminary plat containing all of the information required by this chapter.
      (2)   If the preliminary plat is not approved by the City Council, the reasons for such action shall be entered as findings of fact and recorded in the proceedings of the Council and transmitted to the applicant. If the preliminary plat is approved, such approval shall not constitute final acceptance of the layout. Subsequent approval will be required of the engineering proposals and other features and requirements as specified by this chapter to be indicated on the final plat. The City Council may require such revisions in the preliminary plat and final plat as it deems necessary for the health, safety, general welfare, and convenience of the city.
      (3)   If the preliminary plat is approved by the City Council, the subdivider must submit the final plat within 12 months after said approval or approval of the preliminary plat shall be considered void, unless a request for time extension is submitted in writing and approved by the City Council.
(Ord. 19-2, passed 4-11-2005)