For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   CONTRACT. All types of village agreements, regardless of what they might be called, for the procurement of supplies, equipment or contractual services, except that the term shall not include collective bargaining agreements.
   CONTRACTUAL SERVICES. The rental, repair or maintenance of equipment, machinery and other village-owned property. The term shall not include professional, insurance and personal services or other contractual services which are in their nature unique.
   DEPARTMENT HEAD. The individual in charge of a using agency or that individual’s designate.
   INVITATION FOR BIDS. The complete assembly of related documents, whether attached or incorporated by reference, furnished prospective bidders for the purpose of soliciting sealed bids.
   PURCHASING AGENT. The Village Manager shall act as purchasing agent of the village unless another officer or employee shall be designated to act as purchasing agent by the Village Manager in writing filed with the Village Clerk. The purchasing agent, with the approval of the Village Manager, shall adopt any necessary rules respecting requisitions and purchase orders.
   PURCHASING GUIDELINES. Those guidelines established by the Village Manager and approved by resolution of the Village Council.
   RESPONSIBLE BIDDER. A person who has the capability in all respects to perform fully the contract requirements.
   RESPONSIVE BIDDER. A person who has submitted a bid which conforms in all material respects to the invitation for bids.
   SUPPLIES. All supplies, materials and equipment, but excluding land or any interest in land.
   USING AGENCY. Any department, agency, commission or other unit in the village government using supplies or procuring contractual services as provided in this chapter.
(Ord. 24.09, passed 6-26-23)