(A)   It is the intention of this Code of Ethics that village officials, appointees and employees avoid any action, whether or not specifically prohibited by these sections, which might result in, or create the appearance of:
      (1)   Using public employment or office for private gain;
      (2)   Giving or accepting preferential treatment, including the use of village property or information, to or from any organization or person;
      (3)   Losing complete independence or impartiality of action;
      (4)   Making a village decision outside official channels; or
      (5)   Affecting adversely the confidence of the public or the integrity of the village government.
   (B)   The Code of Ethics is intended to be preventative and not punitive. It should not be construed to interfere with or abrogate in any way the provisions of any federal or state statutes, the Village Charter, the village ordinances, or any rights and/or remedies guaranteed under a collective bargaining agreement.
   (C)   This declaration of policy is not intended to apply to contributions to political campaigns, which are governed by state law.
(Ord. 24.10, passed 10-9-23)