(A)   Wall signs.
      (1)   Construction type. Wall signs may use free-floating channel letters or other applied letters, and be either internally or externally illuminated and shielded. Wall signs painted on a building wall shall not be permitted unless approved by the Planning Commission by site plan approval, or as a mural.
      (2)   Height limit. A wall sign affixed flat or applied to the surface of a wall shall not exceed the height of the wall to which it is attached.
   (B)   Ground signs.
      (1)   General. All permanent ground signs shall be monument signs, except as more specifically provided in this chapter. Ground signs shall be integrated into the landscape and shall be compatible with the design and materials used for the building(s) on the premises.
      (2)   Monument signs.
         (a)    Shall be located on a base of masonry or similar durable material; the base shall have a minimum height of 18 inches and shall not exceed a height of 30 inches. The base of a monument sign shall be no less than 75% of the greatest horizontal dimension of the sign face, and the vertical separation between the lowest point of the sign face and the highest point of the sign base shall be no greater than 12 inches. Any masonry or decorative features enclosing the sides or top of the face of the sign shall not extend beyond the maximum allowable height of the sign.
         (b)   The base shall be excluded from the calculation of sign area for a distance of 30 inches above grade, and no sign message shall be located lower than 30 inches above grade. Streetscape and landscape features, which in the determination of the Zoning Administrator, are an integral part of the sign design shall also be excluded from the calculation of sign area.
      (3)   Pole or pylon signs. 
         (a)   A pole sign may be permitted by the Planning Commission upon finding that one of the following conditions exist:
            1.   A monument sign would block the vision of drivers; or
            2.   A wall or projecting sign could not be legally established on a side facing a public street.
         (b)   When permitting a pole or pylon sign, the Planning Commission shall permit the minimum height necessary to achieve visibility, provided it does not exceed the height of the building to which it is accessory to or 20 feet, whichever is less. The area shall include the entire area of the sign upon which copy, lettering, drawings or photographs could be placed, excluding necessary uprights or supports.
   (C)   Window signs.
      (1)   For paper or other temporary window signs, the sign area shall include the entire area of the paper. Where adjacent paper or other temporary window signs are within eight inches of each other they shall be measured as a single sign.
      (2)   Shall be placed along the bottom or top of the window so as to not block the view of activity within the building and shall only be permitted on windows or doors located on the first or ground floor and on windows and doors on the façade facing a public right-of-way or commonly used as a main entrance to the premises.
   (D)   Awnings, canopies, and marquee. 
      (1)   Signs mounted on awnings, marquees and canopies shall comply with the sign area standards of § 155.03. The total area of the lettering and logo shall not exceed 25% of the total area of the awning or canopy that is visible from the street. The awning, marquee or canopy shall not be considered the sign frame.
      (2)   Signs on an awning, marquee or non-freestanding canopy shall be exempt from the limitations on projections of signs from the face of the wall of any building or structure, provided that such sign:
         (a)   Shall be affixed flat to the surface of the awning, marquee or non-freestanding canopy;
         (b)   Shall not extend vertically or horizontally beyond the limits of the awning, marquee or canopy; and
         (c)   Shall not be internally illuminated.
      (3)   No signs shall be permitted on an awnings or canopies above the first floor. Marquee signs must not extend past the building roof height.
   (E)   Freestanding canopy signs.
      (1)   One sign shall be permitted on each face of a freestanding canopy that fronts a road right-of-way.
      (2)   Shall not exceed 25 square feet in area and shall be counted towards the total amount of signage permitted in the district.
   (F)   Entranceway signs.
      (1)   Height. Maximum sign height: six ft. Maximum structure height: eight ft.
      (2)   Sign type. Monument ground signs only with landscaping. If sign is on private property, evidence of an easement must be submitted.
      (3)   Island option. An entranceway sign may be located on a landscaped entranceway island, provided that:
         (a)   The nearest edge of the sign must be set back a minimum of ten feet from the right-of-way of the intersecting street.
         (b)   Such signs shall comply with the clear vision triangle so as to maintain visibility for drivers.
      (4)   Number permitted. Two signs per major point of entry.
   (G)   Additional ground signs permitted by the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission may approve up to two additional ground signs on a site zoned CC or MU, subject to site plan review and approval and the following:
      (1)   Shall be located no farther than six feet from a drive lane.
      (2)   Shall not exceed seven feet in height.
      (3)   One sign shall not exceed 16 square feet and the other shall not exceed 32 square feet in area.
      (4)   The structure's framing shall not be calculated as part of the sign area.
      (5)   Shall be single-sided, and oriented so that it is only readable on-site.
      (6)   Cannot be located between the building and the front property line.
      (7)   All speaker systems shall comply with the sound limits of § 155.03(E). The Planning Commission shall have the discretion to place additional restrictions on the hours of operation and volume of the speakers based on the location of the specific site, proximity to residential uses and upon receipt of input or concerns from the neighboring property owners.
      (8)   Only up to four square feet of said sign may include electronic changeable copy signage.
      (9)   In addition, the Planning Commission may grant approval of a modified sign area, subject to the following:
         (a)   Only one of the signs may be increased in area.
         (b)   The sign shall be completely screened from the roadway.
         (c)   Under no circumstances shall said sign exceed 48 square feet in area.
   (H)   Projecting signs.
      (1)   Shall be attached to a wall of the building or to the underside of a canopy or awning by supports painted with a single neutral color that differs from the message area of the sign. The permitted area of a projecting sign shall exclude the braces and supports unless the same are designed or decorated to be integral to the sign's content or appearance. The sign shall not exceed a thickness of six inches.
      (2)   May extend over the public right-of-way but shall set back from the traveled surface of any road by not less than three feet. The projecting sign shall extend not more than five feet from the building wall, unless attached to a canopy or awning, in which case the projecting sign shall not extend above or horizontally beyond the canopy or awning limits.
      (3)   A clearance of not less than eight feet shall be maintained above the traveled surface of any sidewalk or other pedestrian-accessible surface beneath the sign.
      (4)   No projecting sign or part of a projecting sign shall exceed the height of 12 feet above the traveled surface of the sidewalk or other pedestrian surface.
      (5)   No projecting sign shall be closer than ten feet to another projecting sign.
      (6)   Projecting signs shall not be constructed to include internal or tube illumination. Any illumination provided for a projecting sign shall be cast from an external source. If the spotlights are projected onto the surface of the sign face, the lights shall be properly shielded to prevent glare from projecting onto adjacent streets or disturbing those living in nearby dwelling units.
      (7)   The area of a projecting sign shall not exceed nine square feet except as may be permitted by the Planning Commission in accordance with the following. The Planning Commission may permit a larger projecting sign up to a maximum of 12 square feet in area, subject to findings of compliance with the below listed standards.
      (8)   Shall not block the view of nearby signs, or create a hazard to the public health, safety or general welfare:
         (a)   The appearance, color, and materials of the sign will not adversely affect neighboring property values.
         (b)   The appearance of the building exterior with the signage will be in general harmony with other buildings already existing in the immediate neighborhood, and the historic character of the downtown area.
         (c)   The sign size and location shall be in scale with the building to which it is attached.
      (9)   Construction, maintenance, safety, and inspection requirements not specified in this chapter shall be regulated by the current building code for the village.
   (I)   Murals. Murals shall be permitted only on facades of buildings or structures located in the DC, CC, and MU District, and may not contain any commercial message or identify the occupant of a premises or relate solely to the use, business, establishment, or profession conducted, or to a principal product or service sold, offered provided or produced. Murals may be of any size, may be externally illuminated, and may not include any commercial message. Murals larger than 50 square feet shall require Planning Commission review and approval.
   (J)   Temporary signs - permit required.
      (1)   Banners, flags and pennants. Banners, flags or pennants may be permitted as temporary signs subject to the following:
         (a)   Signs under this section shall be permitted only by the Village Council in conjunction with a temporary special event permit, as an exempt flag or streetscape banner under § 155.04 or in accordance with the standards of § 155.06 for non-single family dwelling uses in the RV, RL, and RM districts, and in the CC, DC and MU districts.
         (b)   Signs made of cloth, canvas or similar non-durable temporary materials, flags, pennants or banners may be erected for a period not to exceed 15 days. Permits for these signs shall be granted not more than four times per calendar year for any individual business, tenant or owner.
         (c)   No temporary sign under this section shall project beyond the property line, and no temporary sign shall be strung across any vehicle lane or parking space, except as may be approved by the village in the DC district, or erected so as to create an obstruction to the passage of pedestrians or vehicles, or to create a public safety hazard.
         (d)   No temporary flag, banner or pennants or combination of these temporary signs shall exceed a total area of 32 square feet in the CC, DC and MU districts, or 15 square feet in the RV, RL and RM districts. No temporary flag, banner or pennant sign shall be of a greater height than the top of the wall to which it is attached.
         (e)   The temporary signs shall be removed promptly at the end of the approved display period.
      (2)   Portable signs. There shall be two classes of portable signs (where a Class 1 and Class 2 permit shall not be issued to run concurrently on the same property), as follows:
         (a)   A Class 1 portable sign shall be of the manual changeable letter type, may be mounted on a trailer, and shall be permitted as follows:
            1.   A Class 1 portable sign shall measure not greater than the equivalent of eight feet in width by four feet in height, or 32 square feet in area, but in no case shall exceed five feet in height. The area of a Class 1 sign is in addition to the maximum sign area otherwise permitted.
            2.   Not more than three Class 1 portable sign permits shall be in effect in the village at any given time.
            3.   At no time shall there be more than one Class 1 portable sign on any premises.
            4.   Class 1 portable sign permits shall be rotated among area businesses, as determined to be reasonable by the Village Administrator, and an individual tenant, owner or business may not receive more than two Class 1 portable sign permits during any given calendar year.
            5.   A Class 1 portable sign permit shall be for a period not exceeding one month.
            6.   Class 1 portable signs shall be permitted only for lots abutting M-24. No such sign shall be displayed on the lake side of any lot.
            7.   Illumination of a Class 1 portable sign shall be permitted; however, all lighting shall be of a single color and not flash, strobe or otherwise interfere with vision.
         (b)   A Class 2 sign shall be of the sandwich board type and shall be permitted as follows:
            1.   Class 2 portable signs shall be permitted in the DC, CC and MU districts only. No such sign shall be displayed on the lake side of any lot.
            2.   A Class 2 portable sign may be located on a sidewalk in the DC District only if located directly in front of and advertising the same business. In no case shall a Class 2 portable sign obstruct a public sidewalk, and not less than three feet of unobstructed width, or whatever greater width is required by federal or other regulations, shall be maintained at all times along such public sidewalks where a Class 2 sign is placed.
            3.   Shall measure not greater than the equivalent of three feet in width by four feet in height, or 12 square feet in area, but in no case shall exceed four (4) feet in height. The area of Class 2 portable sign is in addition to the maximum sign area otherwise permitted.
            4.   Not more than ten Class 2 portable sign permits shall be in effect in the DC District at any given time. No more than 20 Class 2 portable sign permits shall be in effect in the village at any one time.
            5.   Permits shall be rotated among area businesses, as determined by the Village Administrator and the permit shall be for a period not exceeding three consecutive months.
            6.   Permit shall be renewable subject to determination by the Village Administrator that the subject sign is in conformance with the provisions of this chapter. There shall be no limit on the number of Class 2 portable sign permits that an individual tenant, owner or business may receive during any given calendar year.
            7.   Display shall be during regular business hours only.
            8.   Shall be maintained in a safe manner. If, as determined by the Village Administrator, an unsafe or otherwise hazardous condition exists or will exists, such sign may be ordered to be removed until such time as the Village Administrator determines that such unsafe or otherwise hazardous condition has been abated.
            9.   No illumination of a Class 2 portable sign shall be permitted.
            10.   Shall be located on any lot so as to obstruct the view of a driver of a vehicle approaching an intersection, or entering or exiting a driveway. No such sign shall be located within the clear vision triangle, or in the case of a driveway, in the triangular area formed by each driveway curb line and the street line at points ten feet from the intersection of the driveway line and the street line.
            11.   On a CC or MU lot with multiple tenants, such as in a shopping center, more than one Class 2 sign may be permitted. A minimum distance of 50 feet shall be provided on a multiple tenant lot between any two Class 2 signs.
   (K)   Temporary signs.
      (1)   General requirements.
         (a)   No temporary yard or wall sign shall be illuminated.
         (b)   No temporary wall or yard sign shall be placed in or project into a public right-of-way except with the permission of the authorized public entity, and shall only be placed on private property with the prior permission of the property owner.
         (c)   No temporary yard or wall sign shall be placed in such a manner as to obstruct the view of vehicle drivers when leaving or entering a street, driveway, or parking space.
         (d)   Every such sign shall have identified on it the name, address, and telephone number of the person(s) who posted or had caused the posting of the sign.
         (e)   Signs under this section may be erected for a period not to exceed 30 days. A permit shall be required to place more than one temporary wall or yard sign on a premises at the same time, as provided in each district under § 155.06.
         (f)   The sign area and number shall not exceed the limits specified for each district in § 155.06.
      (2)   Limited duration signs.
         (a)   A permit shall be required to display any temporary wall or yard sign for a period longer that 30 days.
         (b)   The permit for a limited duration sign shall specify the date by which the sign shall be removed, however, no permit for extended display shall exceed 90 days. One permit renewal may be approved, subject to the sign being in compliance with all requirements of this chapter.
   (L)   Electronic changeable copy signs.
      (1)   Shall be permitted only in the CC and MU districts, and only along the M-24 frontage.
      (2)   Shall be integrated into the site's permitted ground sign and shall not occupy more than 30% of the ground sign's area.
      (3)   The message change cycle shall not be less than one message per minute.
      (4)   The images and messages displayed shall be static, and the transition from one static display to another shall be instantaneous with no special effects or the transition may provide a black screen for at least one second.
      (5)   Signs shall not include animation, full motion video, flashing, scrolling, strobing, racing, blinking, changes in color, fade in or fade out in any manner imitating movement, or any other means not providing constant illumination.
      (6)   The images and messages displayed must be complete in themselves, without continuation in content to the next image or message or to any other sign.
      (7)   All such signs shall be required to have automatic dimming capability that adjusts the brightness to the ambient light at all times of the day and night.
      (8)   Shall be designed and equipped to freeze the device in one position if a malfunction occurs. The displays must also be equipped with a measure to immediately discontinue the display if it malfunctions.
   (M)   Vehicle signs. Vehicles with signs that are parked on a non-single family residential lot or in the DC, CC or MU districts for a period of over 24 hours and which are visible from the public right-of-way, shall be counted as part of the signage on that premises and require a permit.
(Ord. 14.21, passed 5-23-18)