The functions of the Department of Finance and Treasury shall consist of the following:
   (A)   The department shall perform the general accounting functions of the village, shall keep the books of account of the assets, receipts, and expenditures, and shall keep the Council and the Village Manager informed as to the financial affairs of the village. The system of accounts of the village shall conform to such uniform system as may be required by law.
   (B)   The department shall examine and audit all accounts and claims against the village. The department shall not allow withdrawals from any village fund which, after deduction of withdrawals therefrom, does not have a sufficient amount therein to pay such proposed withdrawal.
   (C)   The department shall balance all the books of account of the village at least quarterly in each year, and shall make a report thereon to the Village Manager.
   (D)   The department shall, at any time, upon direction of the Council or the Village Manager, examine and audit all books of account kept by any official or department of the village. The department shall examine and audit all books of account of all departments at least once each month.
   (E)   The department shall collect village taxes, unless another person or agency is designated by the Council to do so, and shall perform all of the duties as prescribed by the Village Charter for collection of taxes, the general laws of the state, together with such other duties as may be required or assigned to him by the Village Manager.
   (F)   The department shall have custody of all monies of the village, the clerk's bond, and all evidences of value belonging to the village or held in trust by the village.
   (G)   The department shall receive all monies belonging to and receivable by the village that may be collected by any official or employee of the village including license fees, taxes, assessments, utility charges and all other charges belonging to and payable to the village and shall, in all cases, give a receipt therefor.
   (H)   The department shall keep and deposit all monies or funds in such manner and in such places as the Council may determine from time to time and shall report the same in detail to the Council and Village Manager.
   (I)   The department shall have such powers, duties and prerogatives in regard to the collection and custody of state, county and school district and village taxes and monies as are conferred by law to enforce the collection of state, county, village, township and school district taxes upon real and personal property.
   (J)   The department shall pay no money out of the treasury except in pursuance of and by the authority of the law and upon warrants issued in the manner as required by the Village Charter which warrants shall specify the purpose for which the amounts thereof are to be paid.
   (K)   The department shall collect and keep an account of and be charged with all taxes and monies appropriated, raised or received for each fund of the village, and shall keep a separate account of such funds, and shall credit thereto all monies raised, paid in or appropriated therefor, and shall pay every warrant out of the particular fund raised for the purpose for which the warrant was issued.
   (L)   The department shall perform such other functions, duties, and responsibilities as may be designated by the Village Manager, charter, village ordinances, or state or federal law; and
   (M)   The Finance Director/Treasurer shall supervise, monitor, coordinate, and manage the work of others in the performance of the functions of the department.
(Ord. 40.02, passed 2-9-15)