For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ABANDONED MOTOR VEHICLE. Any motor vehicle not having valid license plates and which is left unattended on public property or upon private property, the owner, co-owner, tenant or co-tenant of which is not the registered owner of the vehicle.
   DISMANTLED MOTOR VEHICLE. A motor vehicle that is missing a part or component that is ordinarily attached to such motor vehicle.
   DWELLING. Any building, structure, tent, shelter, trailer, vehicle, or portion thereof, that is occupied in whole or in part as the home residence, living or sleeping space or that is intended to be occupied by one or more human beings, either on a permanent or temporary basis.
   INOPERABLE MOTOR VEHICLE. A motor vehicle that is incapable of being propelled under its own power.
   MOTOR VEHICLE. Any wheeled vehicle that is self-propelled and designed to transport the driver, passengers, or cargo.
(Ord. 7.02, passed 1-28-80)