For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   AVAILABLE PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER. A public sanitary sewer system located in the right- of-way, easement, highway, street or public way which crosses, adjoins or abuts upon the property and passing not more than 200 feet at the nearest point from a structure in which sanitary sewage originates.
   COUNCIL. The Village Council of the Village of Lake Orion, the legislative and governing body thereof.
   COUNTY. The County or Oakland, Michigan.
   PUBLIC SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. A sanitary sewer or a combined sanitary and storm sewer used or intended for use by the public for collection and transportation of sanitary sewage for treatment or disposal.
   SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM. The Lake Orion Sanitary Sewage Disposal system.
   STRUCTURE or STRUCTURE IN WHICH SANITARY SEWAGE ORIGINATES. A building in which toilet, kitchen, laundry, bathing or other facilities which generate water-carried sanitary sewage are used or are available for use for household, commercial, industrial or other purposes.
   SYSTEM. Refers to the sewage disposal system.
   VILLAGE. The Village of Lake Orion, Michigan.
(Ord. 23.05, passed 3-12-73)