The village specifically reserves the right to amend this chapter in whole or in part, at one or more times hereafter, or to repeal the same, and by such amendment or repeal to abandon, increase, decrease or otherwise modify the fees, charges or rates herein provided with the understanding, however, that the adoption of this chapter or its subsequent amendment or repeal shall in no wise change, relieve or release the contractual and legal obligation of the village to make the required payments to the County of Oakland under and as set forth in any contract pertaining to the Paint Creek Interceptor Sewage Disposal System, the Lake Orion Extensions of the Paint Creek Interceptor Sewage Disposal System, and any improvements, extensions and enlargements thereof or under applicable law, or relieve or release the contractual and legal obligation pursuant to said contract and applicable law to levy a tax or to use any other means or available funds to make the required payments to the county, and this chapter shall not be deemed to be a part of any contractual obligation or bond contract pertaining to the laterals.
(Ord. 23.01, passed 9-28-70)