(A)   Pursuant to the Open Meetings Act, ILCS Ch. 5, Act 120, § 2.06(g), any person shall be permitted an opportunity to address public officials under the rules established and recorded by the public body. Public participation at meetings of the Village of Lakemoor shall be permitted in accordance with the provisions of this section.
      (1)   Public comment at the beginning of Village Board meetings.
         (a)   An individual's desiring to address and/or comment on an agenda item shall submit a paper to the Village Clerk prior to the start of the Village Board meeting containing his or her name, and the agenda item to be discussed.
         (b)   Comment shall be limited to three minutes and shall be made from the podium.
      (2)   Public comment at the end of the Village Board meeting.
         (a)   Public comment at the end of a Village Board shall be open to all matters of public concern.
         (b)   Comment should be made into the microphone but the person need not come to the podium.
      (3)   (a)   Public comment at other village meetings.
         (b)   Public comment, not exceeding three minutes per person unless otherwise allowed additional time by the presiding officer, shall be allowed at all Village Committee, Plan and Zoning Board, Police Commission, Park and Recreation Committee and all other meetings of a public body of the village.
   (B)   All individuals being called to address and comment before the Village Board shall speak into the microphone so he or she can be heard. Prior to speaking, the individual shall state his or her name for the record. Such comments by any one person shall be limited to three minutes unless an extension of time is granted at the presiding officer's discretion. Citizens shall not yield unused time to other speakers. The presiding officer shall have the right at any time to close comment by that person, when, in the presiding officer's discretion, such input violates the provisions of these rules, or is otherwise irrelevant, repetitious or disruptive. After a reasonable period of time has been devoted to public comments, and all those desiring to provide comment have not had a change to do so, the public comment portion of the agenda may be closed upon a motion and second of the Village Board and a majority vote in favor thereof. Any person who was not able to address the Village Board will be encouraged to attend a subsequent meeting to address the Village Board or to provide written comments.
   (C)   If numerous persons wish to comment on a single topic, the Village Board may recognize a specified number of individuals who wish to speak in favor of, against or wish to make general comments regarding the topic. The Village Board shall not be required to allow every person who wishes to address the issue to do so, but as many views as possible are encouraged to be heard. Any person who is not able to speak during the time for public comment shall be allowed and encouraged to present his or her views to the Village Board in writing.
   (D)   Members of the public, as an alternative to speaking, may submit written materials to the Village Board regarding any matter of public concern.
   (E)   Decorum. Members of the public shall not make inappropriate or offensive comments at a village meeting and are expected to comply with these rules. All comments must be civil in nature. Any person who engages in threatening, slanderous or disorderly behavior when addressing a village meeting shall be deemed out-of-order by the presiding officer.
(Ord. 17-O-05, passed 1-26-2017)