(A)   Authority.
      (1)   The Planning and Zoning Commission of the village is the “Plan Commission” and “Zoning Board of Appeals” referred to in this chapter and all other ordinances of the village. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consist of nine members, or such number as the Board of Trustees may determine is necessary, from time to time.
      (2)   The Planning and Zoning Commission is hereby vested with the power and responsibility to:
         (a)   Conduct hearings and make recommendations to the Village President and Board of Trustees on all:
            1.   Amendments to this chapter;
            2.   Conditional uses, including Planned Unit Developments;
            3.   Variances, including minor variances;
            4.   Map amendments/zoning reclassifications; and
            5.   Amendments to the village’s comprehensive plan.
         (b)   Hear and make final determinations on all zoning appeals;
         (c)   Keep written minutes of its proceedings, which shall be a public record;
         (d)   Adopt by-laws and any other procedural rules consistent with this and other village ordinances and state statutes;
         (e)   Recommend to the President and Board of Trustees the employment of such professional zoning, legal, engineering, or administrative assistance as is necessary to fulfill its responsibilities;
         (f)   Hear all other matters referred to it by the President and Board of Trustees;
         (g)   Prepare and recommend to the President and Board of Trustees a Comprehensive Plan and any additional plans for the development and redevelopment of the village and its extraterritorial planning jurisdiction;
         (h)   File an annual report with the President and Board of Trustees setting forth its transactions and recommendations;
         (i)   Prepare and recommend to the President and Board of Trustees changes in any village plan or part thereof;
         (j)   Prepare and recommend to the President and Board of Trustees proposals for specific improvements to carry out village plans;
         (k)   Cooperate with county and regional planning commissions and other groups to promote coordinated planning; and
         (l)   Carry out any other function concerning land subdivision or other matters that may be conferred upon it by the village subdivision control ordinance or any other village ordinance.
   (B)   Appointments. The President shall, with the advice and consent of the Board of Trustees:
      (1)   Appoint all members;
      (2)   Appoint one member to serve as Chairman and another to serve as Vice Chairman, who will serve as Acting Chairman in the absence of the Chairman;
      (3)   Appoint a new member to fill the unexpired term of any member whose place has become vacant and appoint a new Chairman should that office be vacated;
      (4)   Have the power to remove any member with a majority vote of approval by the Board of Trustees;
      (5)   Appoint such alternate Board members as may be necessary to act as alternates to the regularly appointed members who may be conflicted out of consideration of certain issues or as may be necessary to ensure that a quorum is present at each scheduled hearing; and
      (6)   Original appointments shall be made with staggered terms of two and four years, however, the original appointment of the Chairman shall be for a four-year term. All successor appointments shall be for a four-year term.
   (C)   Meetings.
      (1)   All meetings shall be held at the call of the Chairman and at such other times as the Planning and Zoning Commission shall determine. All meetings shall be open to the public and shall be called and held in compliance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act, ILCS Ch. 5, Act 120 et seq.
      (2)   The Planning and Zoning Commission shall keep minutes of its proceedings. The minutes shall show the vote, or absence or abstention, of every member upon every official action, and shall be a public record on file in the office of the Village Clerk.
      (3)   Any Commission member absent during the proceedings before the Commission who certifies that he or she has read the meeting minutes, transcript or listened to a tape recording of said proceedings may vote on any question heard at such proceedings.
   (D)   Compensation. Commission member shall be paid quarterly for each meeting attended at the rate of $40 per meeting for the Chairman and $40 for all other members or at such other rates as the President and Board of Trustees may hereafter establish.
   (E)   Sub-committees. The Planning and Zoning Commission may create subcommittees and adopt policies and procedures deemed advisable to fulfill its power, duties and responsibilities. All such policies and procedures shall be recorded and transmitted to the Village Board. The two primary sub-committees of the Planning and Zoning Commission include:
      (1)   Comprehensive Plan Subcommittee shall review and forward recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission on matters pertaining to the Comprehensive Plan and official map. The Comprehensive Plan is a description of long-range public policy affecting community character, economic well-being, cultural and social amenities, ease and convenience of circulation in the village, and orderly development of various land uses, and serves as a policy guide in all decisions related to community growth. The official map identifies the location of present and future public service facilities and improvements, thoroughfare system improvements, park and school sites and land for other public purposes.
      (2)   Ordinance Review Committee reviews and forwards recommendations to the Planning and Zoning Commission on matters pertaining to this chapter and Chapter 29 (Subdivision Regulations) text amendments.
(Ord. 480B, passed 8-21-1953; Ord. 90-O-036, passed 11-8-1990; Ord. 13-O-27, passed 10-24-2013; Ord. 14-O-36, passed 11-14-2014; Ord. 17-O-11, passed 3-9-2017; Ord. 19-O-20, passed 9-17-2019)