(A)   There is hereby created the office of Village Administrator, an executive office of the village. The Village Administrator shall not be required to be a resident of the village.
   (B)   The President and Village Board are hereby authorized to employ a Village Administrator. Such Administrator shall be appointed by the President, with the advice and consent of the Village Board, at the annual meeting at which the President is seated, and shall hold office for a term to expire not later than the end of the last year in the President’s term and until a successor is appointed and qualified.
   (C)   The Administrator, under and subject to the direction of the President and Village Board, shall be the chief administrative officer of the village, and shall be responsible to the President and Village Board for the proper direction of the administrative affairs of the village.
   (D)   The Administrator shall execute, on behalf of the Village Board, its policies, administrative supervision and control of the affairs of the village and its employees. The Administrator shall attend all meetings of the President and Village Board and meetings of the Village Board committees, unless excused.
   (E)   The Administrator shall cooperate with the advisory boards and commissions created by the Village Board, and those that may be created. The Administrator shall seek direction from the Village Board as to his or her attendance at meetings and the degree of staff support he or she is to furnish the various boards and commissioners.
   (F)   The Administrator shall be notified and receive and have investigated all complaints in relation to matters concerning the administration of the government of the village, and the services maintained and provided by the village.
   (G)   The Administrator shall perform such other duties as may be requested by the President and Village Board, consistent with law and ordinances of the village.
   (H)   The Administrator shall receive compensation as determined by the Village Board, after an annual evaluation of his or her performance.
   (I)   In the event of an absence in the office of Village Administrator, the Mayor may appoint a temporary, interim Village Administrator. This interim officer shall be nominated by the Mayor and approved by simple majority of the Board of Trustees, and shall serve in this capacity until a successor is appointed and sworn in, at a rate of compensation set by the Board of Trustees. In the event that the position is filled by a current officer or employee of the village, that person shall be compensated, in addition to the existing rate of compensation for their existing position, an amount set by the Board of Trustees. The pay shall, at the discretion of the Board, be payable over the term of the temporary appointment or as a lump sum stipend for the additional tasks and duties borne by that person. The interim Village
Administrator shall adhere to all provisions of this code of ordinances, and shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the Village Administrator.
(Ord. 06-O-11, passed 5-25-2006; Ord. 21-O-30, passed 12-21-2021)