§ 41-1/2.16 GOLF CARTS AND UTVS.
   The use of golf carts and UTVs within the village on village streets is hereby authorized, subject to the following restrictions and conditions.
   (A)   Restrictions.
      (1)   No golf cart or UTV will be authorized to be driven on Illinois Route 120, Lincoln Road, Darrell Road South of Route 120, Lily Lake Road, within or upon village-owned property, including all parks and recreational lands, or any other area where signs specifically prohibit the use of golf carts and/or UTVs. Operators may cross any route that is prohibited, provided the crossing is done in a safe manner, yielding to all traffic, and at a 90-degree angle to the roadway.
      (2)   Any operator of a golf cart or UTV must have a valid Illinois driver’s license and be at least 18 years of age. Additionally, all operators otherwise qualified herein, shall be required to execute the golf cart/UTV acknowledgment prior to operating any golf cart or UTV on village streets or roads.
      (3)    No golf cart or UTV may be driven on any street or road within the village unless a current, valid village UTV sticker is purchased and displayed on the authorized golf cart and/or UTV; and the vehicle shall be subject to the mandatory insurance requirements under the Illinois Motor Vehicle Code (ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, §§ 1-100 et seq.), as required by state and local statute. Proof of insurance shall be required at the time of vehicle inspection. This insurance documentation shall be carried on the golf cart and/or UTV whenever it is in use on the streets and roads of the village.
      (4)   A golf cart or UTV may be operated within the village only on sheets where the posted speed is less than 30 miles per hour, but this shall not prohibit a golf cart or UTV from crossing a road or a street at an intersection where the road or street has a posted speed limit of more than 30 miles per hour. No golf cart or UTV may exceed the speed posted on any roadway within the village.
      (5)   All other state and local laws shall apply to operation of a golf cart or UTV on the village streets and roadways, including driving under the influence (ILCS Ch. 625, Act 5, §§ 11-500 through 11-502) and the possession and transportation of alcohol.
   (B)   Requirements.
      (1)   GOLF CART shall mean a vehicle specifically designed and intended for the purposes of transporting one or more persons and their golf clubs or maintenance equipment. Specifically excluded are ATVs and other three-, four- or six-wheeled vehicles designed primarily for off-road use, unless otherwise included or exempted herein.
      (2)   UTV shall mean any side-by-side or utility vehicle with four wheels, which has been primarily designed to be operated off-highway from a seat located behind a steering wheel, and having a total width not exceeding 64 inches. No ATVs, off-road motorcycles, dirt bikes, minibikes or other vehicle meant to be operated from a straddled, saddle-type seat shall be operated under this section.
      (3)   All golf carts and UTVs shall be equipped, at minimum, with the following devices:
         (a)   Brakes;
         (b)   A steering wheel;
         (c)   Tires, but not tracks;
         (d)   A rearview mirror;
         (e)   Red reflectorized warning devices on the front and rear;
         (f)   A slow moving vehicle sign on the rear of the vehicle;
         (g)   A headlamp that emits a white light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the front;
         (h)   A tail lamp that emits a red light visible from at least 100 feet from the rear;
         (i)   Brake lights; and
         (j)   Turn signals.
      (4)   When driven on a roadway, each golf cart or UTV shall have a working headlamp, a working tail lamp and working brake lamps.
      (5)   All golf carts and UTVs shall bear a valid village sticker when operated on village roads or streets. The sticker shall be purchased annually. The creation of the same is hereby authorized.
      (6)   Prior to use on village streets or roads, all golf carts and UTVs shall undergo an inspection by the Police Department, or other authorized village official, which shall verify the presence of all necessary equipment, proof of insurance, and proof of a valid village sticker.
      (7)   All applicants for a golf cart or UTV sticker shall be required to sign an acknowledgment, indicating that they have read and understand the requirements, rules and regulations associated with the use of golf carts and UTVs on the village streets and roads.
      (8)   The fee for a village sticker for a golf cart and/or UTV use is hereby set at $50, which shall be amended from time to time by the Village Board of Trustees.
      (9)   No sticker shall be issued to any person who is in violation of any village ordinance or who owes the village any fine, penalty or other charge, either personally or for charges and/or violations outstanding against that person’s property.
   (C)   Penalties.
      (1)   Any person found violating any of rules contained herein shall be subject to a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $250 for the first offense. Any person found guilty of more than one violation of this provision or any other motor vehicle provision of the state or the village while operating a golf cart or UTV, shall be subject to a fine of not less the $100 nor more than $500. Additionally, any person operating a golf cart or UTV who commits more than one offense under this or any other code relating the operation of the vehicle, shall be subject to having the privilege of operating the golf cart and/or UTV revoked.
      (2)   Any person violating any provision of the motor vehicle code shall be subject to applicable fines and penalties contained therein, in addition to the revocation for multiple offenses contained in division (C)(1) above.
(Ord. 20-O-12, passed 7-21-2020)