(A)   All owners, occupants, consumers or users of premises located in the village who do not pay their garbage bill on or before the delinquent period shown on said bill shall pay a penalty of 2% of the unpaid balance per month, in addition to the fees herein. In addition to any penalties computed pursuant to this division (A), all owners, occupants, consumers or users shall be responsible for the village’s costs of collection of any delinquent garbage bills, including reasonable attorneys fees and court costs.
   (B)   The owner of the premises, the occupant thereof, and the user of the garbage service shall be jointly and severally liable to pay for such service to such premises, and such service is furnished to the premises by the village only upon the condition that the owner of the premises, occupant and user of such service are jointly and severally liable therefore to the village. OWNER, as used herein, shall include any party in title, as well as any party holding a beneficial interest under a land trust in the premises or any party with a right to possession of the premises.
   (C)   In the event that any premises which is served by the garbage service is sold, transferred or assigned to another (hereinafter referred to as the “transferee”) by any person or entity heretofore responsible for payment of service charges (hereinafter referred to as “transferor”), it shall be the responsibility of both the transferor and the transferee to notify the village in writing of the intended transfer no less than 14 working days prior to the date of the intended transfer of the premises. Upon notification, the village shall render a final prorated billing for such service, and upon full payment thereof, the transferor shall thereafter be relieved of any other responsibility for such service. In the event that the village is not so notified of such transfer, the transferee shall be deemed jointly and severally liable with the transferor for all unpaid charges for the premises incurred up to and including the date of transfer.
   (D)   In no event shall the owner of property who is in arrears in the payment of charges to the village for garbage service for any property or otherwise in violation of any code or ordinance of the village, be issued any permit or license otherwise required under the codes and ordinances of the village.
(Ord. 08-O-09, passed 5-22-2008)