(A)   Removal of signs. Private signs on public property or public rights-of-way may be removed by the city or its agents without notice to the sign owner.
   (B)   Should any sign be in danger of falling, or otherwise unsafe in the opinion of the Code Enforcement Officer or the Building Official, the owner thereof, or person maintaining the sign, shall, upon receipt of written notification from the Building Official or Code Enforcement Officer, immediately secure the sign, cause it to be placed in good repair or remove the sign.
   (C)   Removal of illegally erected signs. Where this sign code requires work on a sign to be performed by a licensed contractor and such work is not performed by a licensed contractor, the owner or lessee of the property where such illegally erected sign is located shall either:
      (1)   Have the sign immediately removed; or
      (2)   Have a licensed contractor secure a permit for such sign. City inspections of the sign shall be performed.
   (D)   Termination of unlawful illumination. Upon receipt of written notification by the Code Enforcement Officer or Building Official that a sign is illuminated in violation of this sign code, the owner, his agent, or person in control of the premises, shall immediately terminate the prohibited illumination of such sign.
   (E)   Violation; penalties. It shall be unlawful for any person to fail to comply with any of the provisions of this sign code. The city may take any one or a combination of the following actions:
      (1)   Prosecute any violation of any provision of this sign code in accordance with § 10.99 of the city's Code of Ordinances; or
      (2)   Refer any violation of any provision of this sign code to the City's Code Enforcement Board pursuant to the terms of Ch. 30 of the city's Code of Ordinances; or
      (3)   Issue a code enforcement citation for any violation of any provision this sign code pursuant to the terms of §§ 37.01 et al. of the city's Code of Ordinances; or
      (4)   In its discretion, seek the aid of the courts with respect to the enforcement of this sign code, which right shall include the right to seek declaratory and injunctive relief against any person violating any provisions of this sign code.
(Ord. 1029, passed 10-4-01)