All projects undertaken under the authority of a permit issued in accordance with the provisions of this appendix shall be subject to the following restrictions and regulations:
   (A)   All excavations of land designed to be left open upon completion shall be excavated within the setback lines conforming to the State Department of Transportation requirements, but shall not be less than 200 feet from the centerline of any federal or state highway, 100 feet from the centerline of any other road right-of-way, and 50 feet from all side, rear, or abutting property lines. In order to create a lake, these setbacks shall be increased to a minimum of 170 feet in order to provide usable areas, unless the parcel is bounded by public roads, in which case they shall be increased by 70 feet.
   (B)   No stockpiling of earth from any borrow-type operations may be within the setback areas.
   (C)   Concrete PRM's shall be established at all corners.
   (D)   The entire property shall be enclosed with a hogwire or equivalent fence (not barbed wire) at least six feet high which shall be closed and shall include entrance gates, which shall be closed and secured when the borrow pit is not in operation.
   (E)   Warning signs which are at least six feet square, but not more than ten feet square, shall be posted on each side of the property, and be located not more than ten feet from the property line.
   (F)   All sides of the excavated area shall have no greater than one foot vertical drop for each three feet of horizontal distance measured from the setback lines into the excavated area to the water table.
(Ord. 241, passed 11-27-85) Penalty, see § 26