(A)   Pre-design conference. It is strongly recommended that pre-design conferences between the owner, his engineer and the Water Department be held.
   (B)   Plans.
      (1)   Submission.
         (a)   All construction plans submitted to the Water Department for review and approval shall bear the seal and signature of the Florida Registered Professional Engineer responsible for the project. The address and telephone number of this person shall be shown along with the signature.
         (b)   Two sets of plans and specifications shall be submitted for approval to the city. One approved set shall be returned to the engineer for the construction of the project.
      (2)   Assembly. The standard size sheet for construction plans submitted to the city for approval shall be 24 inch by 36 inch. Work sheets and data sheets used in preliminary design work and reviews are not limited to any size, except that which is convenient to handle.
      (3)   Utility coordination. It shall be up to the developer to coordinate all utilities concerning his development.
      (4)   City standards and specifications. Copies of city standards and specifications may be obtained from the city for a fee, as adopted from time to time by the Commission.
   (C)   Construction.
      (1)   Start.
         (a)   Notification. The city shall be notified in writing of the proposed date of the beginning of construction of the water facilities. Any time that work is to stop for a period of time in excess of five working days, the city shall be notified of such interruption.
         (b)   Pre-construction conference. A pre-construction conference shall be held at least two days before the commencement of construction. The developer shall be responsible for arranging this conference with the Water Department.
      (2)   Completion.
         (a)   As-built drawings. Two weeks prior to final inspection, the developer shall submit two sets, one a hard copy and the other an electronic copy, of as-built drawings to the city. These drawings shall be blue line prints signed by a registered engineer (the same one responsible for the originally approved design), attesting to the fact that the plans are, in fact, correct. If the as-built conditions differ from the approved construction plans in such a way that the City Engineer deems unacceptable, the city reserves the right to deny approval of the site and demand that the errors be corrected regardless of the cost to the developer.
         (b)   Certificates of compliance. Certificates of compliance with the specifications furnished by the material supplier shall be submitted on all material used in the completion of this work upon request by the city.
      (3)   Off-site pollution protection. It will be the developer's responsibility to provide downstream siltation protection during construction. In the event such protection is inadequate, it will be the developer's responsibility to remove any downstream siltation prior to the time of final inspection.
   (D)   Inspection.
      (1)   Periodic. The Water Department will periodically visit the project site to make a visual inspection of the progress of the work and methods of construction. Upon observation of work not done in accordance with the plans and specifications, the inspector will notify the developer's contractor and the developer or his designee and request that the necessary corrections be made or tests performed to assure compliance with the specifications, at no cost to the city.
      (2)   Final. The Water Department shall be notified in writing when the project is complete. Upon receiving a verbal request for final inspection of the completed work, the Water Department representatives, together with the representatives of other interested agencies, shall perform the final inspection and by letter shall notify the developer's engineer of the results of the inspection within two weeks of the receipt of the request. In the case of facilities dedication to the city, the final inspection will be conducted as a final acceptance inspection after all necessary materials are submitted.
   (E)   Bonds. All items or systems must be designed in such a manner as to minimize future maintenance. A performance bond of 110% of the estimated construction costs of the water facilities will be required when necessary. A two year maintenance bond of 10% of the final construction costs shall be posted before the facilities are transferred to the city.
   (F)   Transfer of private ownership. When transfer of private facilities to public ownership takes place, all such private facilities shall be brought up to the current city standards at no cost to the city in so far as construction and maintenance are concerned before the city will accept such facilities. Proof of satisfactory completion of water facilities, satisfactory water bacteriological tests, approved FDER construction applications, maintenance bond, itemized construction cost, and the appropriate legal deeds shall be furnished to the city prior to acceptance.
   (G)   Property ownership. All facilities to be owned or maintained by the city shall be located on city property, within city-county rights-of-way or on easements dedicated to the city for the uses intended.
   (H)   Time period of approved plans. Plans shall be valid for construction for a period of one year from the date of approval only. All items not under construction at this one year date shall require a new approval prior to the commencement of construction.
(Ord. 348, passed 12-3-87; Am. Ord. 1642, passed 6-17-22) Penalty, see § 77