(A)   It is intended for these development procedures to establish minimum engineering requirements for projects submitted to the city. The development procedures will apply to all development and construction projects, both public and private, within the jurisdiction of the City Commission.
   (B)   The specifications set forth herein are meant to provide minimum standards for the construction of water and transmission lines which meet the following conditions:
      (1)   Facilities to be constructed within city rights-of-way.
      (2)   Facilities to be turned over to the city for operation.
      (3)   Facilities to become a permanent part of the city utilities system.
   (C)   These specifications are not meant to be totally restrictive in nature; that is, they do not depict the only acceptable method of design. Rather, their purpose is to describe minimum acceptable standards of construction and to promote uniformity where practical. It is felt that adherence to the standards presented in this booklet will benefit both the citizens of the city and the operators of the facilities.
   (D)   Should any design be submitted which varies appreciably from the standards set herein or uses materials other than those recommended, it should be accompanied by appropriate supporting documentation or engineering studies.
   (E)   Please note that all plans submitted for review must be in conformance with all federal, state, and county regulations and codes. In no case shall minimum standards be less than those established by recognized private and governmental agencies, unless stated otherwise in these specifications.
(Ord. 348, passed 12-3-87)