(A)   All water sold by a utility shall be on the basis of metered volume sales; however, the utility may, at its option, provide a flat rate or estimate service to the following:
      (1)   Temporary service where the water use can readily be estimated.
      (2)   Public and private fire protection service.
      (3)   Water used for street sprinkling and sewer flushing when provided for by agreement between the utility and the city or other agency or person.
      (4)   Special cases subject to specific approval by the City Commission for small systems in which both customers and utility prefer to utilize a flat rate system and meters are deemed not practical.
   (B)   Meter and installation requirements, meter accuracy requirements, and examination and testing procedures and requirements for meters, will be set by the City Commission following public hearing at any time the City Commission determines the need exists for additional regulations.
   (C)   The city will not be responsible for utility lines entering privately-owned, commercial, industrial, or residential property which may or may not include multiple meters. In these cases a master meter shall be placed at the line head, which the city will read covering all the units in the complexes.
(Ord. 241, passed 11-27-85)