The required submittals, meeting the legal requirements of platting, of the final plat shall consist of a fully executed final plat, meeting all state and city standards, final engineering drawings, auxiliary submittals, and all required legal instruments.
   (A)   General.
      (1)   The final plat shall be drawn with black drawing ink on linen tracing cloth, or equally durable material, using sheets 24 inches by 36 inches. Each sheet shall have a marginal line completely around the sheet placed to leave a three-inch binding margin on the left and one-inch binding margin on the other three sides. If more than one sheet is required, a suitable index map showing the entire subdivision, with an index for the various sheets, shall be shown on the first sheet. Final plats shall meet all requirements of F.S. Chapter 177, as amended, and shall be so certified by a land surveyor.
      (2)   In addition to the final plat, the surveyor shall submit to the city traverse sheets or worksheets showing the calculated closure and limits of error of the exterior boundaries and major blocks or parcels within the subdivision. The computed errors of closure based on field measurements shall be no greater than one in 10,000.
      (3)   The final plat shall be at a scale of not more than 100 feet to the inch.
   (B)   Plat requirements. The final plat shall constitute only that portion of the approved development plan which the subdivider proposed to record and develop at the time, provided that portion conforms to all requirements of these regulations. Eight copies of the final plat showing the following information shall be provided:
      (1)   Title block to include the name of subdivision, the appropriate section, township, and range, and the words, "Lake Mary, Seminole County, Florida."
      (2)   The legal description of the area contained within the plat, with bearings and distances, and with references to a subdivision corner tie.
      (3)   A vicinity map of a scale not less than 2,000 feet to one inch, showing the proposed subdivision in relation to the surrounding streets.
      (4)   Permanent reference monuments shall be placed as required by F.S. Chapter 177, as amended. Monuments shall be set out in the ground so that the tip is flush, or not more than one foot below the finish grade. Permanent control points shall be set along the street right-of-way or block lines at PC's, PT's, PRC's, PCC's, and other changes in direction, excluding those points located by permanent reference monuments.
      (5)   A legend which defines all symbols, shows stated and graphic scale, and displays north arrow.
      (6)   Sufficient data to determine readily, and to reproduce on the ground, the location, bearing, and length of each street right-of-way line, boundary line, block line, and building line, whether curved or straight, adequately correlated with monuments and markers.
      (7)   The right-of-way lines, widths, and names of all streets and roads.
      (8)   The radius, central angle, and arcs of all curved streets and curved property lines.
      (9)   Lot lines, and lot and block numbers.
      (10)   Location and width of canals and waterways.
      (11)   Dedications, reservations, and easements, showing widths and purpose, shall be delineated on the face of the plat, and shall not be incorporated by reference.
      (12)   The names, locations, and plat book and page numbers of abutting subdivisions and streets.
      (13)   Certificates, as required by F.S. Chapter 177, of owners, showing dedications; of surveyor, confirming correctness; of Planning and Zoning Board approval; of City Commission approval; and for Clerk of Circuit Court recording. Signatures of owners must be in conformance with F.S. § 692.01, for corporations, or F.S. Chapter 689, for individuals.
      (14)   A certificate of consent and approval by mortgagee on the plat or as a separate instrument.
   (C)   Engineering drawings. Ten sets of blue or black line prints of the final engineering plans and specifications for the following improvements, both on-site and off-site, shall be submitted to the Planning Department at the same time as final plat submittal:
      (1)   Water system. Size, material, and location of water mains, plus valves and hydrants.
      (2)   Sewer system. Size, materials, manhole location and inverts, slopes and location of lines, with submittal of profile where required.
      (3)   Stormwater drainage facilities in accordance with Appendix C.
      (4)   Bulkheads.
      (5)   Streets.
      (6)   Sidewalks, bicycle paths, and pedestrian paths.
      (7)   Excavation and fill.
      (8)   Soil classification and geotechnical study.
      (9)   Lot grading plan.
      (10)   The estimated cost of installing all required improvements to be owned and maintained by the city shall be included. These estimates shall be prepared by a state-registered engineer.
   (D)   Additional required legal submittals. The recording of the final plat shall be made only pursuant to certification of adequacy of the following list of required submittals, by the City Engineer and/or City Attorney, as appropriate.
      (1)   A performance bond, in a form approved by the city, shall be required from the developer for all improvements to be owned by the city. The surety bond shall be executed by a company authorized to do business in the state of Florida, that is satisfactory to the city, and must be payable to the city. The bond shall be in the penal sum of 110% of the engineer's estimate, or actual contract cost, for all required improvements to be owned and maintained by the city. As an alternative to the provision of a surety bond, the developer may provide for the deposit of cash in an escrow account, or an irrevocable letter of credit as approved by the Finance Director.
      (2)   A dedication to the public by the owners of the land involved, of all public roads, streets, alleys, and other rights-of-way, however designated, shown on the plat for perpetual use for public road and street purposes. If the property is encumbered by a mortgage, the owner and the mortgagee shall join in the dedication and subordinate the mortgagee's interest to the dedication of a public right-of-way. The dedication of the plat shall also include the dedication to the public of all land, easements and improvements required to be dedicated to the city under this code. Developers are also required to dedicate or donate to the city on the plat all water distribution lines and appurtenances and sewage collection systems, including lines, lift stations, and appurtenances, constructed on public rights-of-way or public easements for provision of service to the subdivision. In addition to plat dedications, the city may also require bills of sale and separate easement agreements be executed.
      (3)   A maintenance bond, in a form approved by the city, shall be posted by the developer and executed by a company authorized to do business in the state of Florida, satisfactory to the city, payable to the city in the amount of 10% of the engineer's estimated construction cost, or actual contract cost, of all required improvements to be owned and maintained by the city. The bond shall guarantee maintenance of all required improvements to be owned and maintained by the city for a two-year period, and the materials, workmanship, and structural integrity of sewers and drainage facilities, excluding mechanical equipment, for a two- year period, commencing after a certificate of completion has been issued by the city. The manufacturer's warranty will be acceptable for mechanical equipment if made out to the city and provided in writing. The developer is to furnish a performance bond for the whole development until completion. As an alternative to the provision of a surety bond, the developer may provide for the deposit of cash in an escrow account or an irrevocable letter of credit as approved by the Finance Director.
      (4)   Certification that all payable taxes have been paid and all tax sales against the land redeemed.
      (5)   Title certification as required by F.S. Chapter 177, as amended.
(Ord. 241, passed 11-27-85; Am. Ord. 641, passed 5-20-93; Am. Ord. 1642, passed 6-17-21)