(A)   Processing. Upon receipt of a complete application properly filed with the City Clerk and upon payment of the nonrefundable application fee, the City Clerk shall immediately stamp the application with the date it was received and shall immediately thereafter send photocopies of the application and all attachments to the Police Department, the Planning/Zoning and Building Department, and the Fire Chief.
   (B)   Investigation. Each department shall promptly conduct an investigation of the applicant, application, and the proposed establishment in accordance with its responsibilities summarized at § 115.08 of this code to determine whether false, incomplete, or incorrect information was given on the application or whether the proposed establishment will be in violation of any provision of §§ 115.40 through 1515.43 and §§ 115.50 through 115.55 or of any building, fire, health, or zoning statute, code, ordinance, regulation, lease, deed restriction, or court order.
   (C)   Findings. After investigation, each department shall report its findings in writing and shall forward its findings to the City Clerk within 14 days and shall state whether the department finds that false, incomplete, or incorrect information was given on the application or whether the proposed establishment will be in violation of any provision of §§ 115.40 through 115.43 and §§ 115.50 through 115.55 or of any building, fire, health, or zoning statute, code, ordinance, regulation, lease, deed restriction, or court order.
(Ord. 763, passed 8-24-95)