§ 93.25 OFFICERS.
   (A)   The City Manager, acting on behalf of the City Commission as governing body of the district, shall ex officio be the chief executive officer of the district. He shall keep separate records of all expenses incurred on behalf of the district and shall charge all such expenses to the district. He may employ and pay the wages of such personnel in the same manner and subject to the same procedure by which city employees are employed, compensated, disciplined and discharged.
   (B)   The City Finance Director shall ex officio be the Secretary and Chief Financial Officer of the district. The Finance Director shall receive and expend all funds of the district in the same manner and subject to the same procedures as are applied to the receipt and expenditure of city funds. The Finance Director shall keep separate records of all expenses incurred on behalf of the district and charge all such expenses to the district.
(Ord. 544, passed 5-2-91)