(A)   The initial appointments to the Enforcement Board shall be as follows:
      (1)   Two members appointed for a term of one year;
      (2)   Three members appointed for a term of two years;
      (3)   Two members appointed for a term of three years.
   (B)   Thereafter all appointments shall be made for a term of three years and any member may be reappointed from term to term upon approval of the City Commission. Appointments to fill any vacancy on the Code Enforcement Board shall be for the remainder of the unexpired term of office. Any member who fails to attend two of three successive meetings without cause and without prior approval of the chairman, shall automatically forfeit his appointment, and the City Commission shall promptly fill such vacancy. The members shall serve in accordance with the City Charter and their appointment may be revoked as provided for the removal of members of city boards.
(Ord. 508, passed 6-7-90)