Sec. 36-336. Signs permitted and regulated.
   (a)   Residential.
      (1)   All residential districts:
         a.   One non-illuminated sign not to exceed 12 square feet per sign face and a height not to exceed six feet from ground level shall be permitted for family care homes.
         b.   Subdivision developments and planned units developments (except in R-1D) shall be permitted one sign per entrance identifying the development. Said sign may be illuminated. Said sign shall not exceed 50 square feet per sign face. Any additional identification or directional signs abutting public thoroughfares in the development shall not exceed 30 square feet per sign face. Each entrance identification sign shall require a separate permit fee and is classified as a business designation sign. Additional signs along public thoroughfares shall be classified as additional signs and the permit fees will be in accordance with section 36-340.
         c.   Up to two decorative non-advertising flags of not more than three feet by five feet in size shall be permitted as accessory to any residential structure. Said flags shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this chapter.
      (2)   R-1, R-2, R-3, R-1A, R-1B and R-1C districts: shall permit one attached non-illuminated sign not exceeding three square feet per sign face on plots containing permitted public utility buildings or home occupations or uses, other than accessory.
      (3)   R-1, R-2, R-3, and R-4 districts:
         a.   One flat sign not to exceed 12 square feet, identifying the premises of or on which permitted nonresidential uses are located [shall be permitted]. Such signs shall not be illuminated by either an internal or external source. This subsection shall not apply to home occupations, signs in which are regulated by the terms of section 36-232(j).
         b.   One freestanding sign identifying the nonresidential premises may be permitted in lieu of a flat sign; provided, however, it does not exceed 24 square feet per sign face, does not exceed seven feet in height, and is not closer than ten feet to the public right-of-way. Such sign shall not be illuminated by either an internal or external source.
         c.   Churches are permitted to erect on the premises a freestanding sign, either non-illuminated or illuminated, no closer than ten feet to the right-of-way, not to exceed 24 square feet per sign face area and not exceeding seven feet in height, provided that such sign is so shielded that the source of light is not visible from any abutting residence.
         d.   Mobile home parks in R-2 districts shall be governed by the same sign provisions as provided for subdivisions and planned unit developments, except that no sign shall exceed 24 square feet per sign face.
      (4)   All businesses operating under a special use permit as authorized in section 36-101 in any residential district shall be governed by subsection (b) of this section, unless otherwise specified by the board of adjustment.
   (b)   Business, commercial and industrial districts.
      (1)   Sign permitting and maintenance. As this subsection is applied to commercial centers, the commercial center owner shall be responsible for securing permits and maintaining the following signs:
         a.   Commercial center signage. Each commercial center, as defined herein, shall be allowed one freestanding, double-faced, detached sign, or up to three suspended or flush attached signs, identifying the center. A freestanding detached sign may also contain the names of individual businesses located in the commercial center and may be illuminated. The aggregated total sign face area of said signs shall not exceed 100 square feet. Signs listed in sections 36-333, 36-334 and 36-337 shall not be included in the allowable area calculated.
         b.   Individual business entry signage. In addition, each individual business in the commercial center having a separate individual outside entrance serving the general public shall be permitted one projecting or flush attached sign, as defined herein, to identify the public entrance to that business. Said business entrance signs shall be positioned adjacent to the entrance of said business. The total aggregate area of the business entrance signs shall not exceed three percent of the gross area of the frontage wall, nor shall any single sign exceed 240 square feet. The signs may be illuminated. Signs listed in sections 36-333, 36-334 and 36-337 shall not be included in the allowable area calculated.
         c.   Incidental flat signs. Incidental flat signs affixed to the exterior side of the building wall on which the main entrance of the business is located, indicating an incidental use such as a pharmacy, garden center, deli or similar accessory use in a commercial center, shall be permitted. In no case shall the total aggregate area of incidental flat signs exceed two percent of the gross area of the frontage wall face, as defined herein, nor shall any single sign exceed 160 square feet.
      (2)   Allowable sign area. Any business establishment not operating in a commercial center shall be allowed a maximum of 50 square feet of sign area as defined in section 36-327. Said sign area may be divided between a maximum of two signs. Signs may be illuminated. Signs listed in sections 36-333, 36-334 and 36-337 shall not be included in these calculations.
      (3)   Commercial subdivision development requirements. Commercial subdivision developments shall be permitted one double-faced sign or two single-faced signs per entrance identifying the development, and shall be subject to the following:
         a.   Said sign may be illuminated.
         b.   Said sign shall not exceed 50 square feet per sign face. Signs listed in sections 36-333, 36-334 and 36-337 shall not be included in the allowable area calculated.
         c.   Any additional directional signs abutting public thoroughfares in the development shall not exceed 30 square feet per sign face.
         d.   Each entrance identification sign shall require a separate permit fee and is classified as a business designation sign. Additional signs along public thoroughfares shall be classified as additional signs and the permit fees will be in accordance with section 36-340.
      (4)   Commercial sponsor name or motif. Any signs permitted in business, commercial or industrial districts may contain a commercial sponsor name or motif provided that the total commercial name or motif shall not exceed 25 percent of the total allowable sign face area and shall be included in the total of sign face area.
      (5)   Changeable copy. No sign in this subsection (b) shall have more than 50 percent of its sign face area devoted to changeable copy.
      (6)   Maximum height. The maximum height of any freestanding detached sign shall be 16 feet; all other signs shall not project above the base of the roof of the building to which they are attached.
      (7)   Sign location restriction. Signs in this subsection (b) may be located within required front yards so long as no portion of any sign encroaches into any right-of-way and further provided that signs within 50 feet of any property zoned residential shall be no closer than ten feet to the right-of-way.
      (8)   Decorative flags. Up to two decorative flags of not more than three feet by five feet in size shall be permitted for each 50 feet of street frontage as accessory to any business. Said flags may include artwork depicting the products and services available from the business and shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this chapter.
      (9)   Sandwich board sign placement, size and removal. Commercial districts may be permitted a single sandwich board sign to be placed adjacent to a sidewalk, the front of the individual business, or in the parking area providing such sign is located on the business establishment's property and does not pose a safety hazard. Business establishments located in the arcade may also be permitted to place one such sign in front of their business under the breezeway on the walkway providing such location does not pose a safety hazard to pedestrians. This sign shall not exceed four feet in height or eight square feet in area per sign face. The sign must be removed at the end of each day when the business closes. Said signs may include artwork depicting the products and services available from the business, changeable copy, and shall be exempt from the permit requirements of this chapter.
   (c)   Government districts. [Signs in government districts shall be] as determined by town council in compliance with all town regulations during its review of a proposed development project or on a case-by-case basis.
   (d)   Resort signs. These standards govern signage located within resorts containing 75 acres or more as that term is defined in section 36-326. If any resort sign regulated pursuant to this subsection is illuminated, it shall only be illuminated by an external bulb.
      (1)   Resort private road sign. A sign communicating limits on speed and/or messages of warning, caution, and prohibitions for regulating vehicular or pedestrian traffic for safety [shall be permitted]. These signs shall neither exceed six feet in height nor be greater than nine square feet in area per sign face. Said sign may display the insignia or logo of the entity which owns and maintains the private road, so long as not more than 20 percent of the sign face is used to display the logo or insignia. Signs shall be placed in a manner so as to neither obstruct visibility nor sight distance of motorists.
      (2)   Resort direction sign. A sign within a resort designed and erected solely for the purpose of vehicular or pedestrian traffic direction [shall be permitted]. These signs shall neither exceed ten feet in height nor be greater than 40 square feet in area per sign face. Such signs may display the insignia or logo of the resort, so long as not more than 20 percent of the sign face is used to display the logo or insignia. Signs shall be placed in a manner so as to neither obstruct/impair visibility nor sight distance of motorists.
      (3)   Resort information sign. A single-faced announcement sign within a resort designed and erected solely for the purpose of conveying information relative to rules of conduct, resort protocol, directives, warnings, or caution [shall be permitted]. These signs shall neither exceed seven feet in height nor be greater than 40 square feet in area per sign face. Such signs may display the insignia or logo of the resort, so long as not more than 20 percent of the sign face is used to display the logo or insignia. Signs shall be placed in a manner so as to neither obstruct/impair visibility nor sight distance of motorists.
      (4)   Resort incidental sign. A single-faced announcement sign within a resort containing information relative to direction, warning, emergencies, caution, rules, or other similar necessary accessory messages [shall be permitted]. These signs shall neither exceed five feet in height nor be greater than five square feet in sign area. The total number of resort incidental signs in a resort shall not exceed a number which is the product of three times the number of acres in the resort. For purposes of determining this number, acreage contained within a golf course shall not be counted, nor shall any resort incidental signs contained within such golf course.
(Code 1989, § 92.157; Ord. of 12-12-1995; Ord. of 1-8-2008; Ord. of 10-13-2009; Ord. No. 21-05-11, 5-11-2021)