Secs. 30-1–30-18. Reserved.
30-19. Traffic and parking regulations.
30-20. Obedience to signs, markers, or devices.
30-21. Signs as prerequisite to enforcement.
30-22. Display of unauthorized signs.
30-23. Interference with official traffic control devices.
30-24. Authority of police and fire department officials.
30-25. Obedience to police and fire department officials.
30-26. Authorized emergency vehicles.
Secs. 30-27–30-55. Reserved.
30-56. Unlawful parking.
30-57. Stopping, standing, or parking prohibited in specified places.
30-58. Parking parallel to curb.
30-59. Vehicles backed up to curb.
30-60. Left side to curb not permitted.
30-61. Parking within lines where provided.
30-62. Parking and use of electric vehicle charging stations.
30-63. Penalty.
Secs. 30-64–30-94. Reserved.
30-95. Schedule I speed limits.
Secs. 30-96–30-118. Reserved.
30-119. Purpose.
30-120. Policy statement and liability disclaimer.
30-121. Definitions.
30-122. Operation on public streets and highways within certain areas; exceptions.
30-123. Manner of operation.
30-124. Required equipment.
30-125. Registration and fee prior to usage.
30-126. Denial, revocation and enforcement.