Sec. 16-9. Auxiliary police.
   (a)   The town auxiliary police department made up entirely of volunteer members is hereby established.
   (b)   The board of commissioners shall have the duty of approval of volunteers to serve as auxiliary personnel, together with the duty of discharging such volunteer members.
   (c)   Auxiliary law enforcement personnel shall perform no duties on behalf of the town unless under orders or instructions of the chief of police of the town.
   (d)   Neither the town nor its police department shall be liable to the auxiliary law enforcement personnel for any additional fringe benefits, wages, other compensation, or insurance coverage, except as follows: while undergoing official training and while performing duties on behalf of the town pursuant to orders or instructions of the chief of police of the town, auxiliary law enforcement personnel shall be entitled to benefits under the North Carolina Workers' Compensation Act.
   (e)   Neither the town nor its police department shall be liable to any third parties for any actions, intentional or otherwise, malicious or not, including negligence and/or gross negligence, unless said auxiliary law enforcement personnel was engaged in the performance of duties on behalf of the town pursuant to orders or instructions of the chief of police of the town.
   (f)   Neither the town, the town manager, and/or the board of commissioners shall be held responsible for the discipline, good order, and proper conduct of the auxiliary law enforcement police department.
   (g)   Every person appointed as a volunteer auxiliary law enforcement department member shall:
      (1)   Be a citizen of the United States;
      (2)   Be at least 20 years of age;
      (3)   Be of good moral character;
      (4)   Not have been convicted of a felony or an offense involving moral turpitude;
      (5)   Have a high school diploma or its equivalent; and
      (6)   Must complete the basic law enforcement training, be certified as a law enforcement officer, and meet any additional law requirements.
(Code 1989, § 30.09; Ord. of 5-26-1989)
State Law Reference(s)—Authority to establish auxiliary police department, G.S. 160A-282.