Sec. 6-90. Standards and review.
   Applications for fabric structure permits shall demonstrate compliance with the minimum standards set forth in this section:
      (1)   Fire safety. The fire chief or his designee shall review all applications for compliance with the standards for fabric structures set forth in the state fire code.
      (2)   Zoning compliance. The zoning administrator shall review all applications for compliance with the use requirements in the district for which the structure will be located as set forth in the town zoning regulations.
      (3)   Land clearing and grading. Land clearing for fabric structures shall be limited to the removal of non- significant trees and the removal of shrubbery without grubbing as defined by the zoning regulations. Grading shall be limited to minimal leveling within the footprint of the structure and the driveway, if required. Upon removal of the structure, the site shall be returned as closely as possible to its condition prior to approval.
(Code 1989, § 97.02; Ord. of 5-8-2001; Ord. of 10-13-2009)