The following are not permitted in any zoning district:
   (A)   No sign shall be allowed that prevents ingress or egress from any door, window, fire escape or any way constitutes a hazard to health, safety, or general welfare of the public;
   (B)   No sign shall be permitted which by reason of advertising content, location, shape, or overall impression may be reasonably expected to be confused with, obscure, or interfere with any official traffic sign or device or otherwise serve as a traffic hazard;
   (C)   No sign shall be permitted on benches, news stands, car stands, school bus stop shelters, or similar places;
   (D)   Canopy/awning signs are not allowed in any district;
   (E)   Electrical signs. No electricity-illuminated sign shall be permitted in a residential or agricultural zoning district;
   (F)   Flashing signs;
   (G)   Flying signs, such as blimps or kites, designed to be kept aloft by mechanical, wind, chemical, or hot air means, provided they are tethered or connected to the ground by wire, rope, or similar device;
   (H)   Home occupation signs;
   (I)   Inflatable signs, including but not limited to balloons;
   (J)    Motion signs, except for barber pole which shall be defined as a rotating pole with red and white diagonal stripes used as a sign to identify a barbershop;
   (K)   Neon signs. No exterior neon signs shall be permitted. Neon signs that can be read from the outside of the building shall be limited to only those signs which indicate that the business is "open/closed," and shall be placed only in the interior of a window. Also see § 159.199;
   (L)   Obscene signs. No sign shall contain any obscene pictures or written matter;
   (M)   Off-site signs;
   (N)   Painted signs. Signs painted directly on or mounted on a bench, building, fence, tree, stone, or similar object or any other natural growth, nor on any utility pole or structure;
   (O)   Portable signs;
   (P)   Reader board signs;
   (Q)   Roof signs are prohibited in all zoning districts, with the exception of single-faced signs painted on, attached to erected against the exterior of a mansard;
   (R)   Utility poles. Signs are not allowed on utility poles; and
   (S)   Vehicle signs. A vehicle may not be used as a sign nor as the base for a sign where the primary purpose of the vehicle in that location is its use as a sign.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 727.07) (Am. Ord. 7494, passed 5-29-2001; Am. Ord. 7531, passed 3-20-2012)