§ 159.185 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADDRESS SIGN. Identification numbers assigned for address purposes in accordance with the city code. ADDRESS SIGNS may be written or in numeric form. The building name is not a part of the address.
   AREA IDENTIFICATION SIGN. A freestanding sign which identifies the name of, including but not limited to a neighborhood, a residential subdivision, a multiple residential complex consisting of 3 or more structures, a shopping center or shopping area, a building where there are 3 or more businesses, an industrial area, an office complex consisting of 3 or more structures, or any combination of the above that could be termed an area.
   AREA OF FREESTANDING SIGN. The area of the sign. It does not include embellishments such as the monument base, pole covers, framing, or decorative roofing, provided that there is no advertising copy on or attached to such embellishments. If the freestanding sign is double-faced, both sides are used to calculate sign area. If the freestanding sign has more than 2 faces, each face is used to calculate the sign area.
   AREA OF WALL SIGN. The total area of the sign, including all structures framing the sign, background embellishments or area contained within a rectangle or square drawn completely around the display surface, even if the sign consists of individual letters.
   AUXILIARY CANOPY. A roof-like structure projecting over, including but not limited to drive-through banking or any canopy with a drive-through lane. An AUXILIARY CANOPY provides weather protection for more than the building entrance or windows. AUXILIARY CANOPIES may be attached or detached from the principal building. For sign purposes, AUXILIARY CANOPIES shall be considered a separate structure. A gasoline pump island canopy is not an AUXILIARY CANOPY.
   BANNER SIGN. A temporary sign constructed of a strip of cloth or similar material not exceeding 15 square feet hung upon a crossbar or between 2 points of any permanent structure or poles advertising an event such as a grand opening, special sale, products, or services. Banners with a message on both sides or fastened back to back will be considered 1 banner.
   BARBER POLE. A rotating pole with red and white diagonal stripes used as a sign to identify a barbershop.
   BENCH SIGN. A sign on a bench at a bus stop or similar public area.
   BILLBOARD SIGN. Any business sign that exceeds 50 square feet.
   BUILDING CANOPY OR AWNING. A roof-like structure projecting from the building over an entrance or window that provides weather protection for the entry or window and may include the immediately adjacent area. BUILDING CANOPIES shall be considered part of the wall area and thus shall not warrant additional sign area.
   BUILDING COMPLEX. A group of 2 or more buildings, planned or developed in a joint manner with shared parking facilities, regardless of whether the buildings or uses are located on the same lot or parcel.
   CANOPY. See definitions of Building canopy sign and Auxiliary canopy sign.
   CLEAR VISION TRIANGLE. The area created by drawing an imaginary line between points 30 feet back from where the edges of the paved surface of the intersection quadrant meet.
   COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PLAN. Sign criteria for proposed signs approved by the city.
   CONSTRUCTION SIGN. An on-site temporary sign which displays information regarding a project under construction.
   CORPORATE LOGO. See definition of Logo or trademark.
   DIRECTIONAL SIGN. An on-site sign designed to guide vehicular or pedestrian traffic that does not promote or advertise a business property or product.
   DIRECTORY SIGN. A sign listing the names and locations of occupants or activities conducted within a building or group of buildings that does not otherwise promote or advertise a business, property or product.
   FREESTANDING SIGN. Any sign not affixed to a building, including but not limited to a ground-mounted sign, detached sign, pole sign, or monument sign.
   GARAGE SALE SIGN. See definition of Residential garage sale sign.
   GASOLINE PUMP ISLAND CANOPY. A structure that provides shelter over gasoline pump islands.   GOVERNMENTAL SIGN. A sign which is erected by a governmental unit including but not limited to those for the purpose of directing or guiding traffic, and any sign owned or erected by the city.
   GRADE. The elevation of the finished surface of the ground or paving at the base of a sign.
   HEIGHT OF FREESTANDING SIGN. The actual distance from the grade to the highest point of the sign, or any structure or architectural component of the sign.
   HOME OCCUPATION SIGN. A sign located at a residence advertising a business conducted in the residence or by persons residing in the residence. (NOTE: Current home occupation regulations, as set forth in § 159.104, do not allow signage.)
   ILLUMINATED SIGN. A sign illuminated with artificial light by any means, whether internal or external.
   INFLATABLE SIGN. Any object enlarged or inflated which floats, is tethered in the air, or is located on the ground or on a building.
   INFORMATIONAL SIGN. A sign erected for the safety or convenience of the public, including but not limited to "Restrooms," "Telephone," "Danger," "No Smoking," "Manager's Office," and other signs that do not promote or advertise a business, property, or product.
   INSTITUTIONAL SIGN. Any on-site sign or bulletin board which identifies the name and other characteristics of a public or private institution, including but not limited to church, school, or governmental facilities.
   LOGO or TRADEMARK. A distinctive and exclusive mark, motto, device, or emblem which a manufacturer or owner stamps, prints, or otherwise affixes to the goods it sells or the properties it owns, with the intent that those goods or properties can be easily identified in the marketplace and their origin can be vouched for.
   MAINTENANCE. To keep a sign in its original condition by repair, replacement, or structural improvement.
   MANSARD. A roof with sloping sides on the upper portion of a building.
   MARQUEE. A roof or canopy-like structure projecting over an entrance to a theater or similar building.
   MEMORIAL SIGN. A noncommercial sign erected in remembrance of any historic occasion or occurrences of significance to the general public.
   MENU/ORDER BOARD SIGN. A sign installed in a drive-through facility and intended for drive-through customers that advertises the products available at the facility.
   MONUMENT SIGN. See definition of Freestanding sign.
   MOTION SIGN. Any sign that revolves, rotates, has flashing or changing lights, reflective material, any material that gives the illusion of motion, has any moving parts or search lights used for advertising, or changes the message or display automatically.
   NEON SIGN. A sign illuminated with neon light.
   NONCONFORMING SIGN. A sign which lawfully existed prior to May 29, 2001, but does not conform to this chapter.
   NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION. An organization meeting the requirements of Internal Revenue Code § 501(c).
   OBSCENE SIGN. A sign which has a presentation, display, depiction, or description of obscene pictures or written matter.
   OFF-SITE SIGN. A sign which advertises any business, product, person, event, or service conducted, sold, manufactured, or located off the premises where the sign is located.
   ON-SITE SIGN. A sign which advertises any business, product, person, event, or service conducted, sold, manufactured, or located on the premises where the sign is located.
   OPEN HOUSE SIGN/REAL ESTATE. See definition of Real estate sign.
   OPEN HOUSE SIGN/RESIDENTIAL. See definition of Residential open house directional sign.
   OPINION SIGN. A sign that expresses an opinion or point of view that does not advertise any product, service, or business or display a commercial message.
   PARCEL. A legal parcel of land or lot of record.
   PENNANT. Pieces of cloth, paper, or plastic intended to be individually supported or attached to each other by means of rope, string, or other material, and intended to be hung on buildings or other structures or between poles, that does not include any company logo or other form of copy.
   PERMANENT SIGN. Any sign which is not a temporary sign.
   PERMIT or SIGN PERMIT. A permit issued by the city to erect or maintain a sign.
   POLITICAL SIGN. A sign pertaining to an election to any public office, any ballot measure, or containing any social, ideological, or religious information of a noncommercial nature.
   PORTABLE SIGN. A sign designed to be movable from one location to another with or without wheels.
   PRIMARY ENTRANCE. A main public entrance to a property or building. In the case of multiple entrances, the number of PRIMARY ENTRANCES will be determined by the city.
   PRIVATE SIGN. Any sign which is not a government sign.
   PROJECTING SIGN. A wall sign which protrudes horizontally from the wall to which it is attached.
   PROPERTY. A legal parcel of land or a lot of record.
   PROPERTY LINE. The boundary of a property, lot, or parcel. Buildings on the same parcel may have an assumed PROPERTY LINE, as established by the city, for setback purposes.
   READER BOARD SIGN. A sign where the message changes automatically.
   REAL ESTATE SIGN (COMMERCIAL). Any sign pertaining to the sale, lease, or rental of commercial land and/or buildings.
   REAL ESTATE SIGN (RESIDENTIAL). Any sign pertaining to any sale, lease, or rental of residential land and/or homes.
(Am. Ord. 7500, passed 3-18-2003)
   RESIDENTIAL GARAGE SALE SIGN or YARD SALE SIGN. A temporary, either on-site or off site, which advertises or indicates the location of a garage, yard, or similar sale.
   RESIDENTIAL OPEN HOUSE DIRECTIONAL SIGN. A temporary sign, either on-site or off-site, which indicates the location of an event such as a graduation or wedding at a private residence. A RESIDENTIAL OPEN HOUSE SIGN shall be treated as a temporary sign.
      (1)   The top line of the outside wall on a flat-roof building, whether roof is at or below the wall line;
      (2)   The soffit on a building with soffits; or
      (3)   The line formed by the junction of the roof and the outside wall on a sloped roof without soffits.
   ROOF SIGN. A sign erected on the roof or above the roof line of a building or a sign painted on or attached directly to the roof.
   SIGN. Any display, illustration, structure, or device which directs attention to an object, product, place, activity, person, institution, organization, or business.
   STREET FRONTAGE. The boundary of a lot which abuts a public street or private road.
   TEMPORARY SIGN. Any sign designed or intended to be displayed for limited periods of time, including but not limited to all nonpermanently affixed signs, banners, or pennants.
   TRADEMARK. See definition of Logo or trademark.
   UNDER CANOPY SIGN. Any sign hanging below a building canopy, awning, or building overhang.
   VARIANCE. A modification or variation of the provisions of this subchapter, where it is determined that, by reason of special or unusual circumstances relating to a special lot, strict applications of this chapter would cause undue hardship.
   VEHICLE SIGN. A vehicle that is used as a sign or as the base of the sign where the primary purpose of the vehicle in that location is its use as a sign.
   WALL. The vertical surface that defines the exterior boundary of a building.
   WALL SIGN. A single-faced sign painted on, attached to or erected against the exterior wall of a building, structure, canopy, or awning.
   WARNING SIGN. A sign which warns the public of a danger or hazard in the immediate vicinity and is obviously not intended for advertising purposes.
   WINDOW SIGN. Any sign placed on the interior of a window, or painted on a window such that it can be read from the outside of the building.
   YARD SALE SIGN. See definition of Residential garage sale sign.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 727.06) (Am. Ord. 7494, passed 5-29-2001; Am. Ord. 7523, passed 8-17-2010; Am. Ord. 7531, passed 3-20-2012)