All uses associated with the bulk storage of over 2,000 gallons of soil, gasoline, liquid fertilizer, chemicals, and similar liquids shall require a conditional use permit in order that the Zoning Administrator may have assurance that fire, explosion, or water or soil contamination hazards are not present that would be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. All existing, above-ground liquid storage tanks having a capacity in excess of 2,000 gallons shall secure a conditional use permit within 12 months following enactment of this chapter; the Zoning Administrator shall require the development of diking around the tanks, suitably sealed, to hold a leakage capacity equal to 115% of the tank capacity. Any existing storage tank that, in the opinion of the Planning Advisory Commission, constitutes a hazard to the public safety shall discontinue operations within 5 years following enactment of this chapter (also see § 159.152).
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 715.01)