The building and premises for automobile sales and showrooms shall meet the following requirements:
   (A)   Setback and lot requirements.
      (1)   Parking. A minimum of 25-foot wide landscaped yard shall be required and maintained between any public street right-of-way and parking lots or buildings.
      (2)   Contiguous site. Motor vehicle sales shall be on 1 lot or contiguous lots not separated by a public street, alley, or other use.
      (3)    Lot width. The minimum lot width shall be 150 feet at the minimum required front yard setback.
      (4)   Lot area.  A minimum lot area of 2 acres shall be required. Structures and parking surfaces may not cover more than 50% of the lot.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 729.01)
      (5)   Rear yard setback. The rear yard setback shall be a minimum of 50 feet and shall be landscaped.
      (6)   Side yard setback. The side yard setback shall be a minimum of 100 feet from any principal residential structure on an adjacent lot.
   (B)   Access driveways.
      (1)    Distance of driveway from street intersection. The distance of the driveway from the street intersection shall not be less than 5 feet, provided, however, greater distances may be required to avoid reasonably anticipated traffic hazards.
      (2)   Minimum distance between driveways. Minimum distance between driveways shall be 25 feet at the curb cut.
      (3)   Minimum driveway angle to street. Minimum driveway angle to street shall be 60 degrees, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
      (4)   Distance between driveway and adjacent property. Minimum distance between driveway and adjacent property shall be 5 feet at the curb cut.
      (5)   Maximum dimensions. No driveway shall exceed 25 feet in width and no curb cut shall exceed 32 feet in width.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 729.02)
   (C)   Screening.  A screen shall be erected and maintained along all property lines separating institutional, residential dwelling or business and professional office districts or uses. The screening required in this section shall be not less than 5 feet in height, may be a combination of vegetation and fencing, and must be at least 75% opaque.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 729.03) ( Am. Ord. 2019-33, passed – –2019)
   (D)   Landscaping. A landscaped yard shall be constructed and maintained on all areas of the site not devoted to the building or parking area.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 729.04)
   (E)   Curbing. Interior concrete or asphalt curbs shall be constructed within the property to separate driving and parking surfaces from landscaped areas. Interior curbs required by this section shall be a nominal 6 inches in height.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 729.05)
   (F)   Surfacing. The entire site on which motor vehicle sales is located, other than that devoted to buildings and structures or landscaped areas, shall be hard surfaced and maintained to control dust, erosion, and drainage, before operation of the business begins.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 729.06)
   (G)   Parking.  The following required parking spaces shall be shown and designated on the site plan.
All parking areas must be striped and visually identified.
      (1)   Customer parking. A minimum of 10 customer parking spaces shall be provided for every acre of total site area in a commercial or business district.
      (2)   Employee parking. A minimum of 2 employee parking spaces shall be provided for every 3 employees.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 729.09)
   (H)   Outside sales and storage areas. The maximum area permitted for outside storage of automobiles, new and used, shall not exceed 5 square feet of outside storage area to each 1 square foot of enclosed ground floor area. No more than 1 automobile shall be stored on each 300 square feet of outside paved storage area. No rooftop parking shall be permitted.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 729.08)
   (I)   Surface drainage plan and improvements. A drainage plan shall illustrate all paved area surface drainage flows. Catch basins and/or settling ponds shall be required to dispose of interior parking or display area drainage.
   (J)   Signage and on-site advertising. No rooftop displays, open hoods, windows or windshields shall be used for any advertising signage. No use of ramps or vertical devices for elevated displays shall be permitted.
(Prior Code, Ch. 300 § 729.09) (Am. Ord. 2019-33, passed – –2019)