(A)   This chapter shall regulate the location, design, installation, use, and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems in all areas of the city. This chapter is authorized under M.S. §§ 115.55 and 115.56 and M.S. Chapter 145A, as they may be amended from time to time.
   (B)   This chapter is adopted for the following purposes:
      (1)   To protect the public health and safety of the residents of the city;
      (2)   To regulate the location, design, installation, use, and maintenance of individual sewage treatment systems so as to prevent contamination of the surface and groundwater within the city;
      (3)   To protect individual water supply wells of the city from contamination by inadequate, improperly designed, located, installed, or maintained individual sewage treatment systems; and
      (4)   To provide for the orderly development of areas of the city which are not served by central public waste treatment systems and to reduce the need to install central public systems in areas where they are not now currently planned.
(Prior Code, Ch. 506 § 1.2)