(A)   Reclamation plan. The applicant must submit a reclamation plan consisting of graphic representation as required in § 156.16 along with written text. The plan must contain the following elements:
      (1)   Intent of reclamation;
      (2)   Methods and processes of reclamation;
      (3)   Initial condition of mining site;
      (4)   Limits of various operational areas;
      (5)   Phasing and timing of operation and reclamation, including areas to be stripped of overburden;
      (6)   Final condition of site, including proposed contours and potential development plan;
      (7)   Relation of final site condition to adjoining land forms and drainage features;
      (8)   Relation of reclaimed site to planned or established uses of surrounding land;
      (9)   A plan for maintenance of reclaimed area; and
      (10)   A detailed cost estimate of reclamation.
(Prior Code, Ch. 901 § 7.1)
   (B)   Timing. Restoration should proceed in a continuous manner and must be subject to review and approval at each annual inspection and at the end of the permit period.
(Prior Code, Ch. 901 § 7.2)
   (C)   Excavations; water accumulation areas. Excavations resulting in the accumulation of substantial water areas after rehabilitation must meet the following requirements:
      (1)   The water depth must not be less than 3 feet measured from the low water mark, unless a plan for creation of a wetland or marsh has been approved.
      (2)   All banks shall be sloped to the water line at a slope which shall not be steeper than 4 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical.
      (3)   All banks shall be surfaced with soil of a quality at least equal to the topsoil of land areas immediately surrounding and to a depth of at least 4 inches; sodding or seeding and mulching is also required. Mulch must be properly anchored.
      (4)   Topsoil as required by division (C)(3) above shall be planted with trees, shrubs, legumes, or grasses;
      (5)   Slopes on reclaimed areas shall not be steeper than 4 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical, except in cases where non-erosion conditions are present and the City Council approves the reclamation plan.
      (6)   In man-made groundwater lakes, the bottom contour shall be gradually sloping from the shoreline to the deepest portion of the water body, a maximum slope of 6 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical for at least 100 feet from the proposed shoreline toward the center of the water body. Beyond 100 feet in horizontal distance, the slope of the bottom contours may be no steeper than 3:1.
(Prior Code, Ch. 901 § 7.3)
   (D)   Excavations; grading or backfill. Excavations not resulting in water areas after rehabilitation but which must be graded or backfilled, shall meet the following requirements:
      (1)   Fill shall be inspected and certified as being clean (free from volatile organic compounds and heavy metals) before being used for reclamation. Organic soil shall be used only for topsoil;
      (2)   The grading or backfilling shall be made with non-noxious, nonflammable, noncombustible solids;
      (3)   The graded or backfilled area shall not collect or permit stagnant water to remain therein;
      (4)   The peaks and depressions of the area shall be reduced to a gently rolling topography in substantial conformity to the land area immediately surround and which will minimize erosion due to rainfall;
      (5)   The graded or backfilled area shall be surfaced with soil of a quality at least equal to the topsoil of land areas immediately surrounding, and to a depth at least 4 inches;
      (6)   The topsoil as required by division (C) above shall be planted with trees, shrubs, legumes, or grasses;
      (7)   Slopes on reclaimed areas shall not be steeper than 4 feet horizontal to 1 foot vertical, except in cases where non-erodible conditions are present and the Planning Commission/City Council approves the reclamation plan; and
      (8)   All rehabilitation areas which are planned for building purposes shall have a final elevation at least 10 feet above the normal ordinary groundwater level. If public sewer is not available, plans for on-site septic systems must be considered. If area is backfilled for purposes of future development, the soil must be compacted, and subsequently tested by a registered soils engineer and approved.
(Prior Code, Ch. 901 § 7.4)
   (E)   Drainage. Reclamation shall proceed in such a way that natural and storm drainage, where it enters and leaves the premises, shall be altered only to the least degree necessary to carry out excavation and related activities. Any alteration of natural and storm drainage shall not adversely affect public roads or neighboring uses.
(Prior Code, Ch. 901 § 7.5)
   (F)   Cover and planting. The reclamation area shall be planted with grass, trees, shrubs, or other vegetation to prevent erosion and provide for screening and natural beauty. Technical assistance and soils data should be obtained from the County Agricultural Agent, appropriate state and federal officials, Conservation Districts, and the nearest Soil Conservation Service office.
(Prior Code, Ch. 901 § 7.6)
   (G)   Topsoil. When topsoil is stripped or removed, it must be set aside on the site for re-spreading over the excavated area. These overburden stockpiles must be used to minimize the effects of erosion of wind or water upon public roads, streams, or adjacent land uses and shall not be sold or removed from the property.
(Prior Code, Ch. 901 § 7.7)
   (H)   Removal of structures. Within a period of 6 months after the termination of a mining operation, or within 6 months after abandonment of the operation for a period of 6 months, or within 6 months after expiration of a sand and gravel pit, all building and other structures not otherwise allowed under the Zoning Regulations must be removed from the property and the property restored in conformance with the reclamation plan.
(Prior Code, Ch. 901 § 7.8)