(A)   A lot or parcel of land for which a deed has been recorded in the office of the Washington County Recorder on or prior to May 1, 1974 shall be deemed a buildable lot, provided it has frontage on a maintained public right-of-way, maintained by the city or other unit of government, or frontage on a private road established and of record in the office of the Washington County Recorder prior to May 1, 1974, and it can be demonstrated that a proper and adequate sewage disposal system can be installed; and a proposed structure can meet the sideyard setbacks of Chapter 159, and the pre-existing lot area dimensions meet or exceed 60% of the requirement for a new lot in the same district.
(Prior Code, Ch. 302 § 602.01)
   (B)   If in a group of contiguous platted lots under a single ownership, any individual lot does not meet the minimum requirements of this chapter, the individual lot cannot be considered as a separate parcel of land for purposes of sale or development, but must be combined with adjacent lots under the same ownership, so that the combination of lots will equal 1 or more parcels of land each meeting the full minimum requirements of this chapter.
(Prior Code, Ch. 302 § 602.02)