This chapter is adopted for the purpose of:
   (A)   Designating suitable land use districts along the bluffland and shoreland of Lower St. Croix River;
   (B)   Regulating the area of a lot, and the length of bluffland and water frontage suitable for building sites;
   (C)   Regulating the setback of structures and sanitary waste treatment facilities from blufflines to protect the existing and/or natural scenic values, vegetation, soils, water, and bedrock from disruption by man-made structures or facilities;
   (D)   Regulating the setback of structures and sanitary waste treatment facilities from shorelines to protect the natural scenic value, floodplain, and water quality;
   (E)   Regulating alterations of the natural vegetation and topography; and
   (F)   Conserving and protecting the natural scenic values and resources of the river valley and maintaining a high standard of environmental quality to comply with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Standards and Criteria for the Lower St. Croix National Scenic Riverway (NR 2200-2202).
(Prior Code, Ch. 302 § 202)