§ 113.43 MINORS.
   It shall be unlawful for any:
   (A)   Licensee or his or her employee to sell or serve 3.2% malt liquor to any minor or to permit any minor to consume 3.2% malt liquor on the licensed premises or to permit any minor to loiter or to remain in the room where 3.2% malt liquor is being sold or served, unless accompanied by his or her parent or legal guardian;
   (B)   Person other than the parent or legal guardian to procure 3.2% malt liquor or any minor;
   (C)   Person to induce a minor to purchase or procure 3.2% malt liquor;
   (D)   Minor to misrepresent his or her age for the purpose of obtaining 3.2% malt liquor;
   (E)   Minor to consume any 3.2% malt liquor unless in the company of his or her parent or guardian; and
   (F)   Minor to have in his or her possession any 3.2% malt liquor, with intent to consume same at a place other than the household of his or her parent or guardian. Possession of the 3.2% malt liquor at a place other than the household of his or her parent or guardian shall be prima facie evidence of intent to consume the same at a place other than the household of his or her parent or guardian.
(Prior Code, § 1202.140)
   Penalty in general, and penalty for sale to minors, see § 113.99